1 minute read
The particular thing that enables Santa Fe to sell Fir freely is the Sudden Service Santa Fe furnishes See?-
Dorothy Smith Bride of Malcolm A. Sinclair
Announcement hes been made of the marriage of Doroitry Smittr to Malcolm A. Sinclair at the home of the bride on Saturday, June 28 at Santa Cruz. Mrs. Sinclair is the daughter of Judge Smith and a sister of Stanford G. Smith, District Attorney of Santa Cruz County. Mr. Sinclair is a popular lumberman of Santa Cruz and is assistant manager of the Wood Brothers Lumber Co. He is also Secretary of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club.
They are spending their honeymoon touring through the Northwest.
Fred Holmes Spends Week At Lake Tahoe
Fred Holmes, of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, accompanied by his family, has returned from a pleasant week's vacation at Lake Tahoe. He made the trip to the favorite Sierra resort by automobile.
Youst Back With Hammond
A. P. Youst, for the past year connected with the A. T. Show Company, I.os Angeles wholesalers, has severed his connection with that concern. and is now in the wholesale sales department of the l{ammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles.

Mr. Sam T. Hayward, vice-president of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, and I\{rs. Hayward, are spending three weeks in and around Seattle.
Some Good Substitutes
We suggest that you. substituteCoopcration for criticism.
Performance for argument.
Enttusiasm for apathy.
Common sense for common gossip.
Henry Hink Spending Vacation In Sierras
Henry Hink of the Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Co., San Francislo, is vacationing in the Sierras where he expects to do a lot of fishing and enjoy a little outdoor life. While in the mountains, he expects to take off a few days to make an inspection trip through the Fruit Growers Supply Co. and Red River Lumber Co. mills and logging operations. He is accompanied by his family on the trip and will return to San Francisco the later part of the month.
Bert Neylan, San Francisco manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., is on a three weeks vacation at Silver Lake in the High Sierras, where he expects to enjoy a little fishing and outdoor life. During his absence, "High" Henry, the company's Sacramento Valley representative, is in charge of their San Francisco office.