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Texas is the fastest growing Consumer of western lumber.
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How Lumber Looks
The Fir market has shown practically no change during the past twoweeks. The volume of cargo arriving con' tinues good but prices continue low-
Fir cargo receipts at San Pedro during- the month of June *"t f Ogl*O Mit. This is a decrease for the sanrre month ilr tgZe,'whenthe cargo anivals totaled 125-',1qO M- f-t' n"a*""i cargo arriv"li-for June were 14'r^5-0lvl-ft., while the cargo reclipts for Jtme, 1926, were 1O'85O M ft.
Unsold stockr at San Pedro run around 15,0fi) M ft' On July 7, it was reported that 31 boatr had been tied up and a othir boatr had been transferred to other runs.
With the removal of 35 boats from the California coast' wice trade, fir rhipments at San Pedro have decreased to a ooint belo* the vblume in consumption. It is expected that ilore boats wilt be tied up before the firct of the month' This rhould inrure a steadier market, and with this decrease in rhipments, a rtrengthening in the market is looke'd for in the next two or three weeks.
A telegraph report from San Francisco on July ! rtales that ther6 G change in the rnarket. There is a fair de' mand for 1x6 and-lx8 No. 3 common and tterc items are drong. The rhingle and lath market are not very active.
Fir cargo arrivalr in San Francicco for the month of June totaled 4-8,516 M ft. Redwood cargg ahipmentr lor $e r"-. -or.ih were 221251 M ft. Building permits for thc month of June in San Francirco were $31926,432-0o Build' ing operationr in Oakland for Jrme totaled $2'l4lr720.W.
Redwood.-The redwood rnarket continues etrong with oricer firrn- The volume of orders is ratiefactory. Con' "tt r"tiott and lower grade stocks at the millr are badly broken. Association r:eportr rtate ttrat orders received from January 1to July 2, 19t27, totaled 247P3il-M- ft., while production for the rame period was 1851285 M ft.
California White and Sugar Pine.-Shop and lower grader are moving readily and pricer are being maintained. The Clear market ir not roactive. Most of the millr rvere rhut down for several dayr over the Fourth of July holidayr. T\e 1927 production from January 1 to June 27 was 429r 854 M ft., while production for the same period in 1926 totaled 583,039 Mft.
The Fourth of JuIy shut-down in the Pacific Northwetb which was heralded io be a long one, probably covering several weekr, proved to be only of about normal leng$' the shut-down averaging less than one week each per milln and there is no furthir curtailment contemplated for the re' mainder of the Eummer.
Mort of the logging camps on the Northwest Coast are closed down on iccount of the fire hazard, and they ex' pect to remain clored on the average from six to eight weekl, Lut no shortage of Fir logs ir contempl,ated as there are large stocks on hand.

Reports from Tacoma, and Seattle, indicate that rail tradeis comparatively quiet, ofi'shore business is rteady, and good Japanise demand is anticipated before the earlv !a!!. They "ri elso looking for a brick rail busineas by early fall, due to fmb crop proipects all over the Fir consruning territorier.
The last two wee,kly barometers of The West Coast Lunbermen's Association chow that production ir below normal, and was dightty exceeded by sales each week, with ehiqments conriderably above both thus denronrtrating a dock reduction at the reporting mills. Shipments have been greater than production every week for many weeks. For the entire year ending July recond thia Association reportr production 1r899r309r28o feet ;saler 2rOO1r971'449 feet; shipmente 1,980,357, 1 72 feet
Hardwood Conditions In South
The hardwood market in the South is reported very dow by the Southern Hardwood Institute. The milb are holding tteir pricer, and the buyerr are holding their orderr, and it is still a deadlock. Shipmento are slightly in excess of production, so that the stockr are being slishtly redqced. The Southern herdwood mills believe that there will be a strong re-opening of hardwood buyins from all directionr in the near future, but up to now the hardwood dernand is being damrned up, and awaiting developments. This is exactly the condition with the Southern hardwood demand in California, where the trade is buying very slowly and deliberately, and watching the market.