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J. E. "Eddie" Peggs
J. E. "Eddie" Peggs, who is W. R. Charnberlin's right hand man, is arrother onc of the younger generation of California lumbermen who is making a name for hirnseLf in the lumber indr.r,stry in the Golden State.
"Eddie" is a native Californian and was born in San Francisco. He attended sshool in Sarf Francisoo until he graduated from high school when he matriculated at St. Mary's College. While a student at St. Mary's, he ltook the regullar academic crutse, ,but ho stateJ he made exceptional high marks in baseball and football He still ret"ins his intffest in these two sports and during the football season is a regular Saturday afternoon visitor at the California stadium.
Following his oollege career, he became associated with the lunaber business and has been connected with W. R, Chamberlin & Co., the well lcrown San Francisco wholesale concern, for over ten y€ars. Since he became associated wrlth W. R. Chamberlin & Co., his advancernent has been rapid until now he relieves Mr. Charnberlin, president of the company, of many duties which heretofqe requirod his attention-
The W. R. Chamberlin Co. operate seven lumber steam€rs between the Pacific Northwest and California, and maintain offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portlan4 and Seattle. This necessitates occasional trips to the Northwest and Southern California so "Eddie" has a large acquaintanceship rnith the lumber fraternity up and down the Coast from Vancouver, B. C., to San Diego. He may have a more fgrmal narnc but to the lumber gang, hC is only larown as "Eddie!"
He ie i'member of tbe Olympic Club of San Francisco, is active in their club athletics, and of late has developed into a golf enthusiast. He has always bern clmcly identified with the Bay District Hoo-Hoo and has served ocn the Bay Dis,trict Nine. During the war, he attended the student army officers' trainqtg sottogt.
He possesscs a world of enthusirasm and integrity, is equipped with a pleasing pcrsonality and is a cr,edit to the lurnrber industry. He makes his headquarters at the company's San Francisco office, which is located in the Matsqr Building. If you don't lmo; "Eddie" Peggs, get acquainted with him, as you will find him a splendid g€ntleman.