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A Beautiful Floor for the Moderate Priced Home
lYby erbaeaser Pacif.c Coast Hemlock Flooring acts like hardutood at a softutood price
[{ERE is a softwood flooring good enough lor the r r most conspicuous place in almost any house. You too will be proud to display it. It looks like hardwood. It is made like hardwood flooring on the highest type oI flooring machines. And it wears long and wellwithout any splintering or raising oI grain.
It helps lower the cost of building without sacrifice of any of the essentials. It takes your softwood flooringout oI competition. Itfills a long lelt need. Contractors and carpenters like it on account oI its excellent millisg and finish.
Pacific Coast Hemlock is unlike any soltwood you have ever handled. It is tough but not harsh. Its texture is fine and even, thus it works to a square edge and planes to ahighfinish. Onlyselectedstrips, the finest part of the log, go into Weyerhaeuser flooring. It does not warp.
Otder a trial shipment in a mixed car oI popular Weyerhaeuser quality items. See the Weyerhaeuser man.
tileyerhaeuser Paciffc Coast Hemlock Flooring is 8/16' thick by 2%'Iace. It comc both pitJr end aatchiag and qithat eud utching. Both type are oilled with the hollow back The highat grade olthis llooring is kaown as " B and Better Edge Graia. " For les eractiug um or where agCll lower priced llooring ie wanted it ie alio ude in the grades oI " C Mixed Cnin."
Thc llooring cooee in Deat a<ure bundles, each one bearing an attractive label in colors which ehows the name,theWeyerhaeuser Brand, thegrade mrk and the trade-urL
Thir llooriag is aanu{actured by Weyethaewr TimberCompanyaod is obtainable itr mixed carordere direct IroE the \Ueyerhaeuser MillE at Everett, Waohington, and Snoqulmie Falls, 'Washingtoa, or lrom any oI the Iour 'Weyehao*r Distributing Plaots at Baltimore, Porrcmouth, R I.. Minneota TreIer, St. Paul, aud Newah. N.J.
Wey e rb ae t ser Pacif.c Co ast Hemlock Flooring is anotber featare of tbe Veye$dettsef
PIu s-a b rying ada antage tb at benefits etery dealerubo uses it.
<Ask tbe Weyerbaeaser man.
TUIEYERHAEUSER SALES COMPANY, Distributors of 'Veyerhaeuser Forest Products
Geoeral Ofrce: SPOKANE, WASHINGTON z-ohAFx (Brancbo6nrr,