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Hawk Huey
Hawk Huey is the name of an energetic and progressive young lumberman who lit in Phoenix, Arizona; last winter, and immediately became busily engaged in the commission lurnber business, with office at 4 Luhr Building.
He is a veteran in lumber experience, having sold lumber in Kansas City ever since he got into long pants, and later for many years in Chicago, and then New York territory. IIe was one of the first men to sell Douglas Fir and California White Pine in the Kansas City territory, and is well known to the lumbermen all the way from Kansas City to the Atlantic seaboard.
He lit in Arizona because the possibilities in that very enterprising and prosperous state looked good to him, and he is doing well. He handles the follovring aecounts in that territory:
Long-Bell Lumber Company, box shook and hardwocd flooring.
Pickering Lumber Company, lumber, sash and doors.