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MilIs at Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CRANNELL W.R. Chamberlin & Co. and LOS ANGELES FAIRHAVEN
Steamers-Tamalpais and Washington ALL RAIL AND CARGO SHIPMENTS
Me,mbers of California Reilwood Association
W. R, Spalding, of Visalia, is very proud indeed of the riew r_ock, sand and gravel bunkers whlch the W. R. Spal- ding Lumber_Company recently installed and opened'for business in Visalia, picture of which is shown herewith. There is nothing finei of its kind in California. The company ran frrll page advertisements in their local papers concerning th_e opening of the new bunkers. They deliver their materials by truck to any point in the county, and plll ot,9"l"S_a ygly active business in this depariment.
Th9 W. R. Spalding Lumber Company are livi and ac- tive lumber merchants, handling and ielling everything that the modern lumber merchant should haidle in- orde-r to serve his trade, and the new bunkers give them another fine service department
Mountain At Monolith To Be Blown To Bits
Touching off a charge of 180,000 pounds of dynamite in one gigantic blast, Coy Burnett, preaident of .thi Monolith Portland Cement company is plinning to do most of his "Fourth of July" celebrating next week, when an entire mountain of solid limestone will be blown to bits near the little cement town of Monolith.
Powder and tunneling crews have been working for more thau two months preparing the "shot" which is iaid to be gne.9f tlre largest single explosions ever attempted on the Pacific Coasi.
The object of the blast isto break down a new supplv of linrestone for the manufacture of Monolith cement'at theMonolithMills, which are situated in the town of Monolith in the Tehachapi Valley. about a mile south of th.e quarries rylgrq the bljst will occur, and about eighteen miles north of Mojave, on the main highway to Bakefsfield.
C. A. Low, directgl of sales, reported yesterday that a definite time for'the "Big Shot" had not ai yet been set, as the work of placing the powder in the vaiious chambers is.still in progress and some time will be spent in synchron- izing the igniting mechanism, which consists of j..double fuse Iav-out."
At tire same time that the switch is thrown to start the elect-ric €nition system, a cordeaux-type fire-fuse carry- ing T. N. T. will also be automaticallv set off: This auxil-iary fuse-system is used as a safety- factor according to W. S. Trueblood, superintendent of the Monolith Mills-, to insure the discharging of every powder pocket.
Monolith officials estimate that a mass bf broken limestone-weighing more than 250,000 tons will be catapulted into the- air a-nd dep-osited on the floor of the quarry 6y the tremendous force <lf the blast.
L. W. MacDonald, of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco is the possessor of a beautiful cup whiJh hi won as,.runner_-up in the Olympic Club's annual golf tournament recently held on the links of the Lakeside Golf Club.
Baydistrict Salesman Makes Trip
E. w, "Enoch" ""t#3.i*ilYffi, ait., the San Francisco territory for the Coos Bay Lumber Co., is spending his vacation in Denver, Colorado, visiting with his'mothei and brother.
It wasoriginally planned to delay the blast until July 1!n tq. give the holiday crowds an opportunity to ;isit Monolith and witness the spectacular iiplosionl but officials said it was deemed unwise to hold- the "shot', after the powder, had been placed and the wiring and fuse sys- tems installed.
Announcement of the time for the "shot,, is to be made as soon as the charge is ready for the igniting signal, and ample parking space at a safe distance is availableJor those who may wish to view the spectacle.
Floyd Elliott Has Auto Accident
Floyd Elliott, who covers the San Francisco territory for the Chas. R. McCormick Co., was bruised and shaken up considerably in an auto accident at 3rd and Folsom Stsi, at 7:30 a.m. one morning during the first week of thij month, when his machine was struck by a truck. His machine was turned over and badly wretked. We have been unable to find out why Floyd was out so early.