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California Building Permits for June
V Louis S. Case, general manager of the Weyerhaeuser Sales company, with offices in the Old National Bank building, Spokane, Wash., has resigned, becoming effective July 1, according to T. J. Humbird, president. I. N. Tate, assistant general manager.since its organization in 1916, has been appointed to bucceed Mr. Case, and Don Lawrence, long a district manager for the company in Spokane, will,replace Mr. Tate.
The Weyerhaeuser Sales company is the largest timber marketing organization in the world, distributing the forest products of the affiliated Weyerhaeuser Lumbef interests. The combined annual output of the 14 allied companies is estimated at a billion and a quarter feet and with the completion of mills now under construction that figure will shortly be increased to two billions.
Mr. Tate entered the lumber industry in 1910 as a stenographer ancl bookkeeper for the Wisconsin Lumber company. He also served in the retail yards at Fairbault, Minn., then as general manager of the yard at Northfield, and in 1906 when the company's headquarters were moved to Minneapolis, as general manager, in which position he remained until 1910. He then took charge of the retail yards of the Central lMarehouse company at Minneapolis. In 1915. he became manager and secretary-treasurer of the H. B. Waite Lumber company in the same city. In the next year with the organization of the Weyerhaeuser Sales company he assumed the position he is now vacating.
Mr. Lawrence entered the lumber industry at 18 as a scaler in the upper Michigan woods. In 1913 he became sales manager for the Bonners Ferry Lumber company. He was with the Weyerhaeuser Sales company at St. Paul when organized and in January, 1917, came to Spokane to open thedistrict office, where he has served as district manager slnce.