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is today commanding consideration among architects, contractors and builders and is being specified with assurance for anextraordinary wide range of uses, both within the ('speci^lty" and the small home fields.
Because of its durability, Redwood is finding ready preference for exterior purposes and through its rich colorings and adaptability has no superior among softwoods for interior finishand trim.
Hammond stocks of Redwood are always complete. With the source of this sup ply from Hamrnond mills in Northern California, retail yards are assured of quality stocks and a dependable service.
A satisfied customer brings back more
Your customers already know about Creo-Dipts. Years of advertising in leading magazines have taken care of that. And GENUINE Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles last longer bccause they ate made only from the finest seleaed'LOOVo vertical grain cedar, stained and preserved by exclusive Creo-Dipt processes. That is why one Creo-Dipt sale brings many others-why it pays to push Creo-Dipts.
J. C. Skellie, Bldg. Matcrial Exhibit, Metropolitan Bldg., Broadway at Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Alfred J. Helf, Buildins lVlaterial Exhibit, 77 O,Farrell .St, San Francieco, Cal.