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Hoo Hoo News
Burney Falls Concatenation
Hoo Hoo Meeting At Petaluma
The Hoo-Hoo Clubs of McCloud, Westwood and Susan- About thirty Hoo Hoo and lumbermen gathered for dinville, under the direction of the Westwood Club, held an ner at the new Petaluma }fotel, Petaluma, Thursday evenopen air concatenation at Burney Falls, near Fall River ing, J_uly 7th. The-meeting was in charge of Vicegerent Mills, on Saturday and Sunday, June 25th and 26th. There Bob Grant of the San Francisco district and was called was an attendance of nearly 300, including families and with the idea of establishing a Hoo Hoo district to cover friends. the counties of Marin, Sonoma and Lake. After the dinner,
A large number arrived on Saturday afternoon and Vicegerent Grant made a short talk outlining, the purpos-e evening,-and were greeted by the cooks with a nice juicy of the meeting and then called on Past Snark Frank steak right off the-coals. Later in the evening, a dance ,Trower, State Counselor Fred Roth, "Bud" Conner and was hel-d at Burney at which Fred Thorpe's orchestra l George Cornwall. Vicegerent Grant then called on Parson furnished music. / Simpkins who gave a very interesting account of Hoo Hoo
29 kittens were initiated at the concatenation on Sunday. { and urged the formation of a Hoo Hoo Club in the dis-
Among the guests present were Parson Simpkin, Hoo-' trict. A committee was appointed to work out the details Hoo Ch.aplain; G. M. Cornwall, The Timberman, Portland, and report at a concat to be held August ?-6th in Petaluma. Oregon'; -and Fred Roth, San Francisco, Ifoo-Hoo State It was the intention to have a concat but owing to the Counselor for California. lateness of the hour this was dispensed with and Parson
A steer was barbecued for dinner at noon. The games, Simpkins obligated the following kittens into thb order. tug-a-war, and barnyard golf, which had been planned for Frank Winfield Boileau. San Rafael, Calif. thd afternoon, were-dispensed with because of -rain. Robert Kenneth'Weaver. Sonom.a, Calif.
Everybody reported -a wonderful time, and plans are Randolph Carl Doherty.... ..Larkspdr, Qt!!!. under way io mlke this an annual affair, thus giving the James joseph Kearney. Fetters Springs, Calif. lumbermen of Northern California an opportunity of be- Edmin Ulmer White..!.... Santa Rosa, Calif' coming better acquainted and discuss the-ir various prob- James E. Clarke. ,Cali_stoga, Calif. lems. -San Francisco, Oakland, McCloud, Hilt, Alturas, Step\ens Franklin Elkins. . .Mill Valley, Calif. Susanville, Twain, Quincy and Westwood were repre- Ralph Heith Cochrane. Petaluma, Calif. sented at the meeting. Wilbur Charles Woodward. . Cotati, Calif.
Westwood; William Graf, Susanvill-e;_ Arttrur Lund,_Su-
Friday, June24th, Hoo ;foo Club No.9 held their lunchsanville, and J. A. Shere, Secretary of the Westwood Club. eon in the California room of the San Francisco Commercial Club. Russell Gheen, of the C. D. Johnson Lumber J. \VALTE*
*O*THERN TRIP Company, was chairman of the day and provided a very J. Walter Kelly, sales manager for Chas. R. McCormick inteTsting spcaker in Gilbeit R. Ca4ock, manager--of Co., San Francisio, left the early part of July for the Pacific the La Salle Extension lJniversity of California and NeNorthwest where he will spend'two or three weeks visiting vada. Mr. Carlock's subject was "The Human Elements the company's difierent mills and also their creosoting plant in Costs" and was presented in a very forceful manner. at St. Helens. President J. Walter Kelly presided.
Portland, Oregon
Hammond Lumber Co. Install Flooring on S. S. City of Honolulu
Included among the many attractive features of the interior construction and workmanship of the S.S. City of Honolulu, which made her maiden trip to the Islands a few weeks ago, following refitting at Los Angeles, was the floor-laying in the tea room as installed by Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles.
The main field of this floor was of clear white maple, laid diagonally. In the center of the room a medallion ornamentation was provided through the inlaying of Wood Mosaic parquetry borders. The latter design was of the Wood Mosaic Company's No. 619 pattern, manufactured in oak, mahogany and maple with walnut strips. An outside border was laid around the entire room of the same material in No. 62I pattern, oak, mahogany and maple, providing a complete flooring of rich colorings ahd attractive design.
As well as the flooring, Hammond Lumber Company supplied Sargent period hardware for the suites and dining salons in which special finishes of French, Grecian and Adam designs were furnished, to harmonize with the ornamentations and decorations of these rooms.
The S.S. City of Honolulu is owned by the Los Angeles Steamship Company. The recent refitting was under the direction of C. B. Kolyer, Naval Architect, Los Angeles, and Pillsbury and Curtis, contractors, San Francisco.