2 minute read

Currarr Brothers, fnc., Celebrate Twenty-Fifth Birthday

Charles P. Curran

Twenty-five years ago, two brothers, -Charles P-: 1ld Frank Crrttttt opened a'Uttte office at the Southern Pacific right-of-way "tth Garey Avenue, Pomona, ordered their fiitt car of iumber, and'wondered if it would be the last'

After a quarter of a century of enterprise, during which the city hai grown from a small community to the metropolis oi the Fomona Valley, Charles P' Curran, p-resident 'ot ttt. company, is receiving congratulations from business men of Southlin Californii, ori the twenty-five years of success which the firm, under the joint management ot himself and his brother Frank, until 1905 and since then, directed by him has enjoyed

Coming to California from Dffin, Illinois, the two brothers, insep"arably bound to the building industry,.located in toi An!'etes *h"t" Frank Curran operated abrick yard for a tirie. In 1902, Charles P. Curran decided there was a future for an enterprising lumber firm in Pomona, and accompanied by his Lrother Frank, they started a retail yard t$qre,

Jtrne'25, 1902, the firm ordered their first car of lumber'

For three years afterthey began operations, t!t"y- ^{9- voted all theii energy to promoting theii business. In 1905, Frank Curran ofierea an unusual opportunity with the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., left Pomona to make his headquarters in Los Angeles, where he advanced steadily--and ai the present time is general manager of the E. K. Wood interests in Southern California.

For five years Charles P. Curran alone directed the management of the company. In 1910, his son, Gerald V. Clfrin, joined him at their Pomona office, and in 1911, his eldest son, Philip Curran, became associated with the organization. In 1915, when Frank Curran sold his interests to Charles P. Curran and his two nephews, the compahy was operating yards in three other cities, San Fernando, Fillmore and L,ancaster. On the withdrawal of Frank Curran from the organization, Charles P. Curran retained the Pomona and Fillmore yards, while Frank Curran took those at San Fernando and Lancaster. The Fillmore yard was sold in 1921..

Charles P. Curran takes an active interegt in the civic afiairs of Pomona, he has played an import'ant part in the advancement of Pomona and its ad1'acent territory, and is held in high esteem by his fellow .citizens which is reflected in "the positioni of leadership and trust that he holds. He is president of the Los Angeles -County Fair Association, president of the Home Builders Loan Association, vice-piesident of the Pomona Manufacturin& Co., director of -the Pomona Commercial and Savings Bank, charter member of the Board of Trade, charter member of the Rotary Club, director of the Pomona Valley'Community Hospital, also he is affiliated with many fraternal and social organizations.

As a lumberman he has always taken an active interest in lumber and association afiaiis and is vice-president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.



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