2 minute read
"Hank" Didesch
There is an old song th.at goes: "Ireland must be Heaven for my mother came from there."
The millwork men of California should sing: "There must be something good about Chicago for Hank Didesch came from there."
I Henry T. Didesch is his full name. the millwork folks of Califorhia refer face, and behind his back.
"lfank" is the way to him. both to his
He is the right honorable Managing Director of The Millwork Institute of California, and he lives, moves, and has his office in thewell advertised city of Hollywood. He declares under oath, however, that he is not trying to get into the movies by that location, but chose it for other ahd excellent reasons.
"Hank" Didesch came to California three years ago, just after the formatidn of The California Millwork Inltitute, and took his present position. Before that he rvas for nirre years Technical Director'of the Millwork Cost Burearr, of Chicago, Ill. Before that he was with the F'arley & Lutcher Manufacturing Co., of Dubuqtre, Iowa, v"'herc he learned the business.
He is three very useful things rolled into one, and those three things have made him a wonderful leader for the M.I.C. First, he is a fine mixer and friend maker, rvhont men naturally take to, and show an irnnrediate interest in, filled with the milk of human kindness, ancl a very geirtle gentleman indeed. Second, he is a body-and-s.lul otganization man, one who not only is saturated with the theory of the "greatest good to the greatest number," but rvho know how to put it into active l,ractice. IIe is an association, organization, expert, and he has been steaclily pulling the millwork men of California closer tcgether in the bonds of cooperative and coordinatccl endeayor. And third, he knows this business he is in from the ground up, is a technical expert, and a merchanding vrhizz, all at the same time.
That makes a mighty useful nr,an, doesn't it?
He has created a fine place for himself in the three years he has been in California. Fine character, splendid training, unusual ability, and friendly diplomat. he is pointing the way to better things before the eyes of the millwork men, and doing it in admirable fashion.
(Continued from page 45.)
Philippine Mahogany, Oak and Oregon Pine. A full and complete assortment of sizes in all Panels is kept and the Company is prepared to fill orders for any quantity. We shoiw a part of the Panel Department of the Jones Hardwood Company in this issue.
A line of Hardwood Flooring is also carried, the Jones Hardwood Company selling the well known "Sells', brand of Oak Flooring both in the White and Red Oak. In addition they are also carrying a line of Brazilian Teak flooring.
The business ofthis Company under the personal direction of its president Mr. Nelson E. Jones and its Vice President Mr. O. V. Nichols is enjoying a steady growth and is continually adding toits large listof satisfied customers not only in San Francisco and the Bay District but up and down the entire Pacific Coast.