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Hoo F{oo News
Past Snark Of Hoo Hoo Visits California
Past Snark of the lJniverse, Harry John Miller, of Seattle, has been visiting in California accompanied by Mrs. I\{iller and their son, Keith. Mr. Miller has many friends in California and it was in San Francisco at the 1910 Hoo Hoo Annual that he was elected Snark of the Universe. Mr. Miller's specialty is long timbers and he has a yard for building barges at Evansville, Indiana, on the Ohio River. He recently made a trip through the Mississippi flood area and says it is impossible to realize the damage done except by a personal visit.
Mr. Miller is also r,vell knorvn as the Poet of Hoo Hoo, for he has distinguished himself by writing some splendid verses. He recited trvo of his poems at the recent dedication of the Hoo Hoo Memorial at Gurdon. One was entitled, "Invocation" and the other "The Wee Black Cats at Home." Past Snark Miller isa most welcome guest at any Hoo Hoo gathering.
Mrs. Miller also adds charm and fame to the family. For three terms she represented Snohomish Countv in the Washington State Aisembly,
They attended the wedding at Hollywood oftheir son Seton Ingersol Miller, on June 16th, to Miss Bonita Nichols, daughter of Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs. Ode C. Nichols formerly of Fort Sam Houston, Texas and norv in command at Cheyenne, Wyoming.
The bride attended Miss Hamlin's School for girls at San Francisco and Ursuline Convent at Santa Rosa. Young Miller is a graduate of Yale University and met his future wife when living in New lfaven. He is scenario writer and assistant director fortheWilliam Fox Studios at Hollywood.
J. A. Stroud, of the E. dealers of San Francisco. of weeks at Carmel.
Takes Vacation
J. Dodge Co., rvholesale lumber and family are spending a couple
814 East 29th St. - Los Angeles
Tclephone HUmbolt 5175
Carload Distribution From Our Orrn Spur Track
Big Hoo Hoo Concat At Tacoma
A big concatenation will be held at Tacoma, Wash., August 23, in connection with the convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association. E. A. Wright, manager of the Pacific Mutual Door Co., and Vicegerent snark for Tacoma district will be in charge.
'fhere r,vill be a banquet at 6:30, and the concatenation will follow immediately. At the conclusion ofthis there lvill be an elaborate eniertainment program.
Vicegerent Wright is schooling the degree team, and a big class of kittens is expected.
Snark of the Universe Arthur Hood will be in attendance.
W. A. "Walter" Fischer, Fischer Lumber Co., Marcola, Oregon, and family drove dolvn fromthe north througli the Sacramcnto Valley and are spending a few days visTting in San Francisco and vicinity. WhiL in San Fiancisco, Mr. Fischer is making his headquarters with the Chas. R. McCormick Co. .They will return to Marcola via the Redwood Highway.
Shinglea - Posts
1022 MiUc Building - San Francirco cHAs. K. ""o.r$11'[, LoccrNG co.