1 minute read
PLASTITE prevenfs
Water Percolation
Walls and basements of hillside homes inwhichPlastiteWater. proofed Cement is used in either concrete or stucco, are permanently protected from water percolation.
The water.resisting qualities of Plastite are an inherent property of the material itself, and a part of its manufacture. Plastite hai all the properties of plain Portland cement to which have been added the additional qualities of waterproofness and plasticity.
Exposed concrete or stucco propedy made with Plastite becomes more dense and impervious as time goes on. Value is added to the struc. ture and future security to the owner is assured.
Besideswalle antrb.r.-"ntr, Plastite is used in ffoors, tun. nels, swirnming pools, reeer. voirs, and all construction where permanent protection from water penetration is required.
Plastite Pr ogr ess, an inter esting illu strat ed monthly magaline deaoted. to better building, will be mo,iled free on request
Manuf acturersof "Ptastite"i:!;:3irf#";;Ziilii::PontanilCement,onil 724 So. Spring Street LOS ANGELES TRinity 5951 ffi% K-%-*"'% w&,L.*wD '?'r,,rrrrr,% ,-,%rrr,,,- "

J. E" MARTIN Muaglng Editc
Clrculatloa Muagcr
Adrcrtlrlng Manqpr
w. H.
Mgr. Su Fnncbco Ofrlcc