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Inccpqatcd undcr 6c lawe of Caltfcnla
San Frencirco OEcc ?lt Suta Madr Bldg. rU Muket Sbct TcLenhm Darclprt tl7?l
Southcrn Oficc ard Natioal But Bldg. Horuto, Tcxat
Prtland Offio w. Mrr.
J. C. Diosre, Prcr. and Trcci J. E. Mrtln' Vie-Pres.; A. C. Merrynu, Jn, Sey. Publtrhed tha ld ud lSth of aach nmth at 3lE-le-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CAI-, TELEPHONE, VAndike 45rS
Entered u Secod-clug nrtter Scptamber 6, 19i|2" rt tLa Ptrrtoffi@ rt Is Angeles, Caltfmla, under Act of Muc,h 3, 1l7t
Northwcrtcrn Oficc l2!5 Ncthwstcm Bk. B!dt. Pctlald' Oresc
Los Angeles Cargo Receipts Reach Lowest Level in Past Eighteen Months
The moot favorable development in tte California market har been the decrease in Fir cargo shipmentr from the Northwect There are 35 coastwbe lumber trade boetr tied up.
Cargo arrivals at San Pedro for the month of July qill nur erormd IOSrOOO'OOO ft., t[e rmallest monthly totd for tLe part eighteen months. The cargo-recbiptr at-tli!^n-ort for tbe -preceding month of June totalled 109'53O'(XX) feeL DutioC the month of May, which month stows the larg€st reeeipfr for this year at San Pedro, t[e rhiprnentr totaled 143,726100O feeL lie volume arriving in San Francisco for July w{l s-hoq very little change buf the rhipmentr arriving at Oakland rhow a narked decrease.
There ie about 1O'OOO'(X)O ft. of ungold lumber on the dockr at San Pedro which ir sligbtty lesr than hro wee&s ago Cargo op€rators state that at least 6Wo of ttir anormt con. tainr underirable items and that the Los Angeles market ir very little affected from that rtandpoinl
Fir pricee at the millr are reported as finn and uniform. None of the cargo millr have any surplus stocks of unrold lumber on their llockc and cargo operatorr rtate that unless cargo is aU aiened up ttat it ir elmost impocsible to fill out Gargo on short notice.
Tbe July buildins permits for Los Angeler will run ebout $9,OOO,(X)O.
All indicationr point to an early improvement in the Fir rnarket in California. The month of July har ehown tte ceaconal let down in buying, but with the fall buying ex' pected to develop arormd the middle of Augus$ it b,the opinion of many of tte wholesalers tfiat pricee are bormd to be firmer, with a pocsibility of a elight edvance. At the present time, they report that on specifrcations, other than etaple itemr, that the market har already ghown come improvement.
For the week endins July 16, the West Coatt Lumbcr. men's Association barometer reports the following for 118 mills: Production, 1131216,534 ft.; new burinerq 1271637'553 ft., and shipments, 11316361564 ft. For the first 28 weeks of 1927, barcd on 78 milk, they report the following: Production,2r0ffir2ilr273 ft 7 new burinees, 2120516441039 ft, end rhipmentr 2,156,8101421 ft.
The Southett Pine Arsociation barometer showt the following figrrrer for the week ending July 23' lOe millr re. porrling: Orderr received, 5919651596 ft.; rhipments 621420r328 ft., and production 611661,154 tt.
The Redwood rnarket rhowrvery little change. The rnarket ir strong and pricec are firrn. Lower grade stockt at the mills are badly brokeo up. The clear market continues fairly active. Alt Redwood merkets are reported ar satiefactory.
Conditionr in the Cdifonria White and Sugar Pine martet r€main about tfie same with pricer showing very little changp. Shop anil the lower grader continue to move readily. The demand for cleare in mhed car rhipmentr continuee good. Production to date tor 1927 is about 1SO,fiX)'OOO fe€t bclow the 1926 production for tbe rame period.
Yet They Say It's Over-Production!
Theper capita consumption of lumber in theUnited States decreased fuom 378 feet in l9t4 to 32O feet rn t924.
Dudng that same period the consurnption of cement inceased fuom 321pounds per capita to 478 pounds.
Gyprum production doubled during dre same pedod.
Face bdck more than doutled. Patent roofing tripled. Metal lath quadnrpled.
Vas it , or under+elling that hurt lumber?