2 minute read
Fred Hamilton
A good many y€ars ago-neither of therr, want to say just when because they arc trying to keep from showing their age*som,etime after the Civil War, at any rate, P4 Tcnnant, now Secretary of the Los Angeles District Lrambermen's Club, was Manager of the Rat Portage Lumber Company, in Winnipeg, Canada,
One day a tall, slir4 powerful yormg fellow carne in and sold himself to EkL as a lunaber salesman. So Ed. gave him a job selling lumber on the road, gave him a tough territory, and a lot of hard prospects. The new salesanan came in from his first trip with a pocket full of orders, and had cstablishcd a record for himself that got him a regular job on the staff, and for several years hc rras the "head man" in the road gang for that big milling outfit.
The salesman's name was Fred Hamilton. IIe was Canadian born, had been in the lumber businees sincc he could walk. and had wandered far, Previous to that time he had been a bookkeepc'r for a lineyard retail lumber concern-
After several yrears he left Winnipcg and went to the Coast, and on the Coast hc has been ever since, finally reaching San Diego, where he lit, and stayod. He got a job as foreman for the Benson Lumber Company. Thcn he got into the sdes depa.rt- ment. Then the Sales Manager quit, and he got that job. He kept right on ehoving, and he got to be Gencral Manager, and there he is,
He is one of the best known and most popular personalitics in the hmrber industry of Southern California. He is a strong and gallant Hoo-Hoo and has done much for the Order down in the San Diego district. He is a natural born salesmar\ a fine diplotnat, a good cooperator, a champio'n mixer and friend maker, and altogether a man wtro stands out in any crowd as the sort of man you like to bo with. He is geniality itself, and his big Irish smile is a passport anywhere, any time. Add thesc qualities to a finc understanding of tlre lurnber business and a mental and physical equipment that iB all cnerg:f, and you havc this guy thcy call Fred Hamilton.
Years ago whcn Ed. Tennant came to San Diego as Snark of the Universe, there was Fred Hamilton to hclp greet him. He is no longer slim and raw-boned. He is big, and stout, and ruddy of countcnance, and trinkly of eyc, and a man who uses the pcrsonal equation as few men can.
Pitcher Sliding Door Fraiues And Hangers
Are The Solution To The Problem Of Not Having Sufficient Clearance For Hinged Doors
Made for both eingle and double dooru. Fitr furh with 3-s/q,' etudr. Total thickners of wall 5V2".
Manufactured by NATIONAL MILL & LUMBER CO.
Dept. of Tilden Lunrber & Mill Co.
Oakland Loe Angeler San Francirco
Fruea chlpped ullcd up cmplatc, rcad5r to rct ln pooldoo h va[. Qu&Uty manufectrro onrblo ueto src noDey fc thc bulldor c cotnctd.