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Mr. Gibbs' "Inaugural Address"
"Lumber Will Be Put Back Where It Belongs," Says Nern' Trade Extension Manager.
Iohn M. Gibbs
Washington, July 2S.-John M. Gibbs today assumed his new duties as manager of the trade extension department of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, and made his salutatory as follows:
"I particularly stress the importance of unity between producers, retailers and wholesalers of lumber. Through the N a ti o n a I Lumber Mahufacturers Association, LUMBER, throughout America, has projected its largest undertaking. To get under way with a divided front would render us more or less impotent at the very beginning. The Movement must be wisely directed and the forces actively handling it must be up on their toes ahd going every minute of the time. Those interested must not get out of step.
"The keynote of success in this campaign may bg sounded in the use-of the word "CO-OPERATION" and it applies all the way down the line from the largest to the smallest contributor. An able Comm;ittee has been appointed to steer the Movement. This Committee is comp6ied of men of wisdom and determination, representing the various branches of the industry. The working forces are ready and anxious to go. There must be sympathetic understanding at the start and no lagging at any turn in the road. With such conditions prevailing, the Movement will not suffer for the lack of funds and it will, I predict, prove so helpful in the course of a reasonable lapse of time that our dreams will become realities and LUMBEIR will be not only put back where it belongs, but, at the same tirne, will go into fields hitherto uhknown.
"Here is my pledge to put into thisbig affair the best there is in me, but let no man believe for a moment that this thing can be properly done by a few for, of a truth, the spirit of"Let George do it" has brought many worthy p,rojects to grief."