2 minute read
Buih so tbey Can't tro Sflro n s
OU can recommend CeoweLLADER or they can be painted.
SLAB DOORS to your customers and lcnor.uyou're selling doors thatwjll make good. These doors are built for long and hard usage. Cores are of high grade soft wood blocks put together with regular stile and rail construction. Waterproof casein glue applied under hydraulic pressure renders the core permanently moisture?roof, It cannot warp, shrink or swell.
Cost Less Tban Natiae Hardutood Doors
They are priced right. They are less expensive than native hardwood doors and cost about the same as domestic softwood doors. Keep them in stock. They will bring in new customers and help keep the old ones satisfied.
The annual picnic of the Albion Lumber Co. was held at Navarro on Saturday, July 16. Two speciat trains carried the employees of the company to the picnic grounds; one train bringing the men from the logging camps while the other train came from the Albion plant with the mill employees and the office force. Members of the San Francisco office were also in attendance.
Following luncheon, the afternoon was devoted to field events. The results of the various events were as follows: Boys' foot race, 10 years and under, Edward Simmons; girls' foot race, 10 years and under, Nancy Pallecia; shoe race, free-for-all, Dan Gentili; ladies' foot race, Miss Stella Kollmeyer, of the company's San Francisco office; Girls' foot race, Lena Gentili; hop-step-jump-free-for-all, B. M. Dillingham; married woman's race, Mrs. A. E. Gravenstein; 100 yard dash, free-for-all, L. E. Dungan.
Jacob Panannen was the winner of the log sawing contest, sawihg through a 38 inch log in 7 minutes and 11 seconds. Jim Montgovan was second, his time being 7 minutes and23 seconds, and William Orr was third, sawing the log in 7 minutes and 26 seconds.
Many of the San Francisco visitors remained over Saturday evening as the guests of General Manager C. F. Flinn, returning to the Bay District on Sunday.
George Burnett On Northwest Trip
George Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, is enjoying a vacation in the Northwest. He made the trip north by steamer for Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. He plans to visit the scenic points in the "Charmed Land" and his itinerary will also include stops at Seattle, Portland, and other points on Puget Sound. Mrs. Burnett accompaniedhimonthe trip.
Mr. Jack Dionne, San Francisco, The California Lumber Merchaht, July 12, L927. Los Angeles, Calif.

My dear Mr. Dionne:
I have looked over the Birthdav Number of the California Lumber Merchant with i great deal of interest, and I want to congratulate you upon the fine rssuel
Yours very truly, Otis R. Tohnson.
A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lu4ber Co., San Francisco, is back at his desk after spending an enjoyable three weeks' vacation in the Northwest, where he visited with his mill connections and his manv lumbermen friends. He visited Portland, Seattle, Victorii and Vancouver, B. C., and other points of interest on Puget Sound. Mrs. Russell accompanied him on his trip.
On his arrival at his office, Elmore King and George Burnett, well known Valley lumbermen, who were visiting in the Bay District were on hand to welcome him back to San Francisco.
The retail lumber dealers of Riverside and Los Angeles Counties, together withtheir wives and guests, are holding a get-together meeting on August 2 at the Ontario Hotel, Ontario. Following the dinner, there will be a business meeting and entertainment. A large attendance is expected to be present.
The Ortglnal Plastlc, TYaterproot Portland Gement
The Gharnber ol Gornnerce Butldlngr Seattlel 13 en' ttret taced wtth paeqsast ctone blocke nade tron
Dlonollttr Plaetlc Watertroof Portland Gement. They aae tlnted bult and plnkr and were nade ol Monottth to lncure permanent colorlng and weathef'proofness.