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National Lumber Trade Extension Committee
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association states that at the meeting of the Lumber Trade Extension Committee at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, August 2, matters coming up for determination rvill be: The initial advertising schedule, a definite trade extension budget, and the location of three principal district field officers for research and promotion.
Mr. Gibbs will assume his duties as trade extension manager on July 25, and will be in attendance upon the committee meeting.
National-American Wholesale
Dwight Hinckley, Cincinnati, has been'appointed chairman of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association Trade Extension Committee, succeeding Horace F. Taylor, and representative of the wholesalers on the National Lumber Trade Extension Committee.
Northern Hemlock
Harold Collins. Rhinelander. Wis.. is the second and executive committee, member of the N. L. T. E., committee for the Noghern Hemlock and Hardwood Association.
British Columbia the
The British Columbia Manufacturers and Loggers sociations have promised to name their member of committee in time to have him attend the San Fra meetlng.
Members of the National Lumber Trade Extension Committee who are planning to attend the San Francisco meeting are requested to notify the National Association in Washington of their intention.
Sun Lumber Company
Mr. Jack Dionne, Beverly Hills, Calif., c/o California Lumber Merchant lluJ'y 12,1927, Central Building, Los Angeles, Calif.
Drear Jack: Absence from the city for a few days has prevented my going over your July 1st Anniversary Number until Sunday, when I spent a couple of pleasant hours of careful reading of practically every item contained in the same.
This issue, like all your issues of the California Lumber Merchant as rvell as the Gulf Coast Lumberman, rvhich I have read for a good many years, bears out your reputation everywhere for knowing just rvhat lumberrnen need and want in the way of a trade journal.

Please accept my congratulations and best wishes forvour continued t?toliii'r,.,".r",,r.
Frank Burnaby, Pres.
Ttends Army Training Camp At Monterey
Capt. Edgar B. Culnan, sales manager in the L,os Angeles office of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.. left on July 16 to attend the Reserve Officers Army Training Camp at Monterey. He will return to his desk on August 1. During his absence, C.'M. (Friday) Freeland. is in charge of his department.