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The Many Uses "t Panels ffid Veneers in the Home
Pr-ywooo PaNsr-s are chosen not only by home lovers, butby those who build for investment. Not because of beauty alone, but of permanence-the low cost of upkeep. Paneled walls are wiped clean and banish the annual re-decorating expense.
Pnxrl Srocr,ra\&NEER. in OAK ffi@,tthitc
Philippinu .ilabgry fr,fnHOCelW
White ?tu
AdtodFt$rd pwdccledORE G ON PINE
The newest thing in lumber organizations is The Arizona-New Mexico White Pine Manufacturers' Association, the organization of which has just been completed, with the following officers elected to serve for the first year.
President, Mr. I. B. Koch, Arizona Lumiber & Timber Co., Flagstaff, Ariz.
Vice President: Mr. J. G. McNary, Cady Lumber Corporation, El Paso, Texas.
Secretary-Treasurer: Mr. W. G. Ramshaw, The White Pine Lumber Company, Bernalillo, New Mexico.
The following concerns are members of the organization:
Cady Lumber Corporation, MeNary, Flagstaff, and Snowflake, Arizona.
Arizona Lumtber & Timber Co., Flagstaff, Arizona, Saginaw-Manistee Lumber Co., Williams, Arizona.

George E. Breece Lumber Co., Albuquerque and Alomogordo, New Mexico.
- Tht White Pine Lumber Co., Bernilillo, New Mexico.
George Wier In Southern California
Genial George Wier, General Manager for the Coos Bay Lumber Company, has been a recent visitor in Southern California. Jack Thomas, their manager in Los Angeles territory piloted him around meeting the trade. Mr.Wier made a very cheerful report on tlreir particular situation, and while deploring the low average of lumber prices, declared with some satisfaction that tliey are selling and moving the normal product of their plant at Marshfield, the biggest single unit sawmill on earth.
McGaffey Lumber Co., Perea, New Mexico.
The above named mills represent an annual production of about 450,00O,0m feet of White Pine lumber. Practically the entire production is Pondosa Pine, they state, similar to that produced in the Oregon-Spokane districts. They state that they have about a five log timber which grows at an average altitude of from 7,000 to 10,000 feet.
The purpose of the organization, according to Mr. Ramshaw, the Secretary, is "developing a standardization of grades and manufacturing methods to conform with the requirements of our particular district-mill work, patterns, thickness, and widths of lumber-to exchange ideas as to the manufacture and cohservation ofour timber holdings consistent with the Government program for the conservation of all our natural resources, and to promote closer co-operation with the Forest Service; to develop a high standard of efficiency in all departments of the cutting of timber and the manufacture of lumber, and the exchange of operating information tending to more economic utilization of forest products."
This seems to be a most useful organization, one serving a territory that has up tothis time gone unorg-nized, and much good should come of its efforts.
A. L. Porter has joined his family at Santa Monica and in the future plans to make his headquarters in Los Angeles. He was formerly connected with the 'Western Retail Lumber Association, and for twenty-five years he acted as secretary-manager of this organization, with headquarters in Spbkane. He has been a frequent California visitor in years past and has a large acquaintanceship with the lumber fraternity of the state.
Four rearonr nrhy you thould dock Browntr Supcrccdar Clorct Lining.
l-Demand-gteater every day because architects are specifying it.
2{oet-about the same as lath and plaster.
3-Easily Handledpacked in fibre-board, damp-proof boxes. No depreciation. No broken tongues and grooves.
4-Profrt-lt spealcs for itself.
PROTECT YOT'R CUSTOMERS WITII MOTII INSURANCE" kl us senil you lurther inf ormalion anil quote you priccs.