1 minute read
of Celifornie
Manufacturcn of Dowlar Fir and Port ffonrl Cdar
Sawmillr, Maretficld, Oregon
Dirtributing Plant BaY Point
Annual Production
200,0(X),(XX) Feet
Bay Point, CaL
San Francirco Sales Oftce
10fi) Balfour Bldg.
Lor Angetec Office, ff"kfftffi|.
Dimension Stock As Raw Material
(From "The lI/ ood-ll orkey'' )
A nuniber of wood-working concerns today are buying as raw material, lumber that is not only kitn-dried, but which is planed to thickness and sometimes sawed to dimensions ready for machining. The successful use of material on which some work has becn performed in another plant depends upon the thoroughness and accuracy of the work. To begin with, thc dtyiog muet bc thorough, and it must be of such character that the moisture @ntent is reduced to the proper degree suitable for entering into whatever product is being manufactured, and that no internal stresses are set up which may cause the lumber to warp, twist or bend when machined.
The planing is vitally importan! both in matters of smoothness and accuracy of thickness, lf thc rtocL rhowr hnifc-mrrkr or vrriationr ia thicknGlr, a lot of sanding will be required, and of all the costly and wasteful operations in woodworking, the sanding down of poor or inaccurate planing ranks first.
If the manufacturers are encouraged to buy kiln.dried planed lumber and dimension, thcy rhould bc 6rrt of elt rupplicd with nrtcriel thet ir cqurl, if not rupcrio6 in quality of Liln-drying ud plrnia3 to whet ir donc in tho wood-worliag frctoricr of thcir compctitorr.