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MIC'S PAGE Wood Sash versus Steel Sash Judge for Yourelf
The evidence eubmitted herein permits any architect, contractor or owner to judge for himeelf whether Wood Sash are superior to Steel Saah, or vice versa. No attempt is made to diecuss aash made of other metals than steel. However, what is gaid of steel sash is true in almost every instance of metal sash in general.
20 Reacons Why Wood Sash Are Bctter Than Stcel Sarh
(1) A greater variety of sizes and shapes is at your disposal in wood sash. Wood sash do not require building the home to fit the sash-they are built to fit the home.
(2) Wood sash are fitted to the openings after the construction work is completed. Steel sash are usually set into place with the frames and for that reason are subject to damage during construction.
(3) Steel sash must be carefully handled because they are easily bent. When this occurs it is,'almost impossible to straighten them and the result is,r a cohtinual breakage of glass. Wood is resilient, therefore fupod sash are not subject to such damage.
(4) Steel sash conduct and admit hh#in flre summer and cold in the winter. Wood is one of the b6st insulators known.
(5) Steel sash require painting twice to the wood sash once.
(6) Steel sash rust easily. Scratch the paint ofi one, exposing it to a night's dew, and it l\'ill be rusty in the morn- ing. Salt-water atmosphere aggravates this condition,
(7) Paint on steel sash is prone to blister. When blisters occur, rust sets in underneath the paint.
(8) Steel is cold, it condenses moisture from the air, therefore steel sash will be damp, frosty and cold during the winter months.
(9) Costly draperies and curtains are often ruined by the moisture which condenses on steel sash. Moisture doei not condense on wood.
(10) Glass is vibrant and noisy, but when set in wood sash will not be annoying in the least. Steel is rtibrant also. consequently glazed steel sash are anything but restful to the nerves.
- .(11) When mis_alignment occurs, due to settling of the building, wood sash are easily"ind quickly refitted to aeain operate smoothly. Steel sas'li qnder thi same circumstaices will bind and can only be openbd dnd closed with difficultv. Where steel sash must be refitted, the expe.nse is far in exceis of the cost of refitting wood sash.
(12) Window screens, which are a necessitv for sood health and comfort, entail extra framing at conjiderable- ex_ pense to apply. them over steel-. sa-sh. The construction of frames for wood sash accommodites sc.reens (as well as storm sash where the climate requires them) and without any ad_ ditional framing expense.
(13) Wood sash can be effectively weather-stripped at very little cost. Steel sash cannot.
(14) The iriitial cost of steel sash and frames is far greater. than wood as is the up-keep afterward.
(15) Standard wood sash are manufactured in many different types. They may be had double hung, in single units, in pairs, in groups, to swing in or out or to pivot, and in any design required to harmonize with the architecture of the ' building. Standard steel sash for homes are usually made in but'one or two designs and types.
(16)' The layout and design of wood sash and the size of their members may be altered to suit any choice or purpose. Circutar, gothic, etiiptical, tudor, or any 6ther irregular head design, as well as any desired arrangement of division bars are obtainable in wood sash at a reasonable cost. Such effects in steel sash, if obtainable at all, are prohibitive in cost.
(17) Steel, of course, does not burn, but fire damage results from the cracking of glass due to the heat of the blaze. Steel sash are therefore no more fire-retardant than wood sash. In a serious blaze, steel sesh are probably.less fire-retardant than wood sash. The intense heat cauies expansion and buckling of the steel member, which in turn shatters the .;, glass. Even wire glass is not proof against such damage.
(18) Steel sash which have passed through a fire of any . consequence are so badly buckled that they must be replacedusually by wood. In concrete and brick construction, where ' they are built directly into the walls, as a supposedly fire,.. proof measure, the twisted steel members must be chiseled out of their anchorage, which is both difficult and expensive. W'ood sash and frames, under the same circumstance, if they have not burned out clean, are quickly removed for replace- ment work.
(19) Condensation of acid fumes and charcoal fumes, which is associated with certain industrial processes, causes such severe corrosion and peeling that steel sash are rendered useless in a short time. Wood sash withstand such fumes and condensation,
(20) The durability of wood sash and frames is an established fact. The ancient catheidrals and manor-houses of Europe, most of which still contain the original wood sash , and. frames, constitute adequate proof. In California, the wood sash and doors which remain intact in the old missions of the Padres are another example of the durability of wood.
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