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Second Redwood Contest Open to Dealers
1 Announcement of the Second Redwood Contest has re/ cently been issued by R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager / of the California Redrvood Association. It openid Jul/ l, I and, will close December 31 of this year, foliowing-rvlich , I awards will be made by the contest iommittee.
The following are eligible to take part: V /'.\ f\,,,-^*- ^-r ^*^r^-,^^ ^f, -^.^:r --^^)^ ond prizes of 925.0 each; and six prizes of $10.00 each.
(c) Ability to nail without splitting, and to hold nails.
(d) Ability to take paint, and to hold paint longer than ordinary woods.
(e) Workability.
(f) Ability as a "quality" product, to secure larger loans.
(a) Owners, -manageis and employes of retail yards 2.'Descriptions, signed statements and photographs illcking California Redwood. Firstprize of $10O: two sec- lustratinguses of Redwood for: stocking First prize $10O; sec-
(b) Recognized salesmen and sales representatives of Redwood mills to whom are available the same humber. of prizes in like amounts.
(c) Mill employes of the Redwood companies to whom there are available a first prize ol $20.00 and a second prize of $10.00.
The following suggestions are given as an illustration of the character of material which is especially sought from the retail yards: l. Signed statem:ents, with photographs whenever possible, showing uses of California Redwood which illustrates its-
(a) Durability.
(b) Ability to "stay in place" without shrinkage, warping, splitting, etc.
E. E. Taenzer, head of the American Hardwood Company spent a very enjoyable vacation this summer at the Yosemite, and returned feeling very much refreshed for his rest. The sons Bob and Milt looked after business in good shape during his absence.
(a) Anzac and other wide Siding on expensive houses, country clubs, golf clubs, etc.
(b) Sandblast, interior panels and trim in houses, office buildings, clubs, hotels, etc.
(c) Stadium seats, cooling towers, tank and pipe installations.
(d) Industrial uses: incubators, railwaytrunking and capping, core stock for furniture, car siding, telephone and telegraph poles, ties, refrigerating plants, etc.
(e) Farm uses: well curbing and casing, barns, silos, poultry and brooder houses, septic tanks, irrigation structures, dehydraters, etc.
For further details regarding the contest, as well as for copies of the Redwood Sales Manual, which has met a popular demand by the trade, address the California Redwood Association, 24 Calif.ornia Street, San Francisco.
Hawk Huey Visits Los Angeles
I{awk Huey, of Phoenix, Atizor,a, well known commission lumberman of that territory, has been a recent visitor in Los Angeles, and other Southern California cities. He rnade his headquarters at the office of Ted Lawrence, the .Flart-Wood Lumber Company, and called on many lumber people in this territory.