1 minute read
/Vo Other Carrier Can Do This !
Gerllnger Lunber Garrler ltodel H S
A broken plank or hole<nd down goes the ordinary carrier with no hopes of being put into operation again until jacks and blochings are put into play-and considerable time wasted. S4-161 so with Gerlinger Hydraulic. The lifting device is so made as to form a jack to lift the machine if it breaks through the dock or runs into a hole. THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE F.'EATURE WITH THE GERLINGER.
Also much time is saved as the operator needs no assistance but can quickly lift the machine out with its own power and continue workwithout del.v.
Powered With Continental Heaay Duty Motor Unit
The famous 55 Red Seal Continental Motor powers the Gerlinger Hydraulic Lumber Carrier. This is a four-cylinder, vertical, L-head type engine, with a boreoI 4% inches and a stroke of 4/z inches. It has a piston displacement of 255.35 cubic inches and an S, A. E. rated horsepowet of 28,9. At | 200 R.P.M. -(the average speed) it develops 35_horsepower; at_2200 R.P.M. it develops 50 horsepower. Complete inforrn{ior_r regay{ing this powerful Heavy Duty Motor Unit and specifications of other parts of the sturdy GerlingerHydraulic are contained in catalog. A copy may be had upon request.
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