2 minute read
Rebuilding "Constitution" Requires Enormous Quantity of Lumber
About 710,000 Feet Being Purchased Besides Large QuantitiesKept by Navy in Water Storage Since 1878
Washington, D. C., July 2S-Enough lumber to baild 47 The Constitution will be completely rebuilt, all of the six room houses will be purchased for the rebuilding original lumber being replaced. Four -contracts have been ofthe Constitution, one of -the earliest and most famoui awarded to lumber -coripanies and the Bureau of Convessel of the American navy now in dry dock at the Boston struction and Repairs haslust approved requisitions for ten navy yard awaiting restoration. Requisitions just approved other lumber schedules which witt te forwirded this week bythe Bureau of Construction and Repairs of the Navy to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts which will call Department call for approximately 710,00O board feet of for bids. lumber (allowing for footage of the knees) which includes Contracts for supplying 345,555 feet of white oak have white oak, long leaf yellow pine and Douglas fir. been awarded to ttre-Anchor Lumber Co. of Cincinnati,
In addition to the purchased lumber a considerable quan- ohio and the Wilson Shilling ^!qq!.-t Co. 9f Parkcr-sburg tity of live oak whicfr il b;;; .;t;;;;"d in the pensocola West Virgilia. Contract for 24,90o feet- orlop d_eck beams navy- yard for the last 49 years will b? used in rebuilding oj Douglas Fir was awarded to the Charles R. McCormack the'frlgate. rne o"r. *"." rior"J loi pr.r".uation in thE Co. of San Francisco, Portland and New York which also fresh riater of Commod.ore pond in 1'gZg, to be used in received the contract for 90,000 feet of Douglas- fi.r timbers. future ship building. Requisitions for -the following it_ems, specifying either
A car road of the oak, a relic of the days of the wooden i".:Y.ltlt yellow pine or Douglas fir have just been apnavy, was- recently taken to the Boston navy yard for Itern Feet Upset price terstjng and-found to be in excrellent condition. Test pieces Gun deck beams ..... 2S,4lS $Z,S+1.SO of the wood now at the Bureau of Construction and Ripairs Spar deck beams ..... 14,931 ' l',4g3.10 in Washington, when subjected.to pressur€ p-at1l_!91 to the Ci:lfing n"ft* gun deck .... ZZ',OOO 1OS,OOO.OO grain, showed a maximum.crushing strength of 5586 poun-ds Ceilin! ,Uo""glr" a".f. ..... l7',Sn Z,OZS.OO per sqla_r-e inch. The live oak, which has been under Ceilin! U.io*il"in rail . ... 1O,OOO 1,SOO.OO water half a century, together with the new oak which will Deck -planki;g- :'::. . 24',m 4,20O.n bepurchased,willbe.used-forkeels,keelsons,kneesandNib1ingstrak& deck planking, replacils the original oak of the historic Spar d-eck ptu"ting .. Zl,00O 4,515-00 frigate which won it the name of "Old Ironsides."
. rt was ^during the battle with the Guerriere, an English "T ship, on-Augr.t! 19, lSI2that the crew of _the Constitution, live or ihite oak. The items lisied together with thbse seeing the-British cannon.balls rolling off the sturdy oak for which contracts have already been a*warded constitute sides of. the frigate leaving- her undamaged, gave their practically all of the purchased iumber which will be used good ship the nickname "old Ironsides." in rebuilding the frigite.
T. P. Wier, of .Houston, Texas, Secretary and Treasurer of the R. W. Wier Lumber Company and of the Wier Long Leaf Lumber Company, is in California on a visit, ac-companied by M1s. Wier. The Wier interests are large manufacturers of Southern Pine, operating the biggest sawmill in Texas, and are one of the few firms that [ive much timber left to cut. Their mill will run for ten or more years. It is Mf. Wier's first visit to California.
Bruce Burlingame On Northwest Trip
Bruce Burlingame, Southern California representative for the Santa Fe Lumber Co. with headquarters in Los Angeles, has left on a motor tripto the Northwest where he will spend his summer vacation. He plans to visit the sawmill operations of the Oregon-American Lumber Co. at Vernonia, Oregon. On his way north, he will stop at San Francisco, to confer rvith Mr. A. J. Russell, manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co.