1 minute read
Red Streak High Speed Steel Knives will give you longer service without regrinding or jointing. Th.y are made of ghock-resisting steel.
The Perfect Surface For ENAMEL FINISH
Quarter and tlree-eighthsinch 3 Ply-L8r 24, 30 and 36 inches wide to 84 inchee long-all grrades
One-eigkh inch clear rotary ctrt veneer, 18 to 48 inches wideto 86 inches long
"Tungsweld," the only Welded High Speed Steel Knife. The cutting edge of high speed steel is welded to a soft steel back. Outlast thick carbon steel kniveg three to five times.
Ordcr fron ll0 Eert Third Strcct fu8 Firrt Strcct
SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO., Lor Angclcr, 6lif. Su Frrncirco, Celif.