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R. L. Duvall
R. L. "he" Duvall is the gcntlemaa whoac facc adorns tfiis pagc. He says that his middle initial dso stande for "Laminex." Lee represents thc whceler-oegood Co. and sclls their Laminex Doors and Vcnec'ns in the Northcrn California territory.
Hc was born in Pope Valley, Napa Corurty, California. After receiving hie early educatiotr there, he cntered thc Oakland Technical High School.
Aftcr lcaving school, he left for the Northweet where he spent two ycars at the Whcclcr-Osgood plants at Tacoma and Olyrupia, Washington. He then came to San F'rancisco to work out of L. J. Woodson's ofibg who handlcs the Wheeler-Osgood producta in California, from Bakcrsfield north. Lee covers this territory calling on the lumber trade and sclling thc products of the Wheeler-Oegood Co.
He also devotes considerable time on trade extension worh calling on the architects and builders in the No,rthcrn part of thc state acquainting them wittr the mary good qualities of Lamincx products.
While in school Lee took an active part in athletics, espccially foot-ball and traclg but since joining the lumber fraternity of thc state he has becomp a golf cnthueiast and is now shooting a goo4 gamc. Hc is an active mcmbcr of Hoo-Hoo in the Salr Francisco Bay District.
Attends Los Angeles Meeting
Mrs. J.E, Fraser, San Francisco, secretary of the California Retail Lum,bermen's Association, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where she attended a meeting of the association secretaries of California.While in the Southland, she also speht a few days attending to association bdsiness affairs. Mrs. Fraser plans to attend the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association at Tacoma during the week of August 22.
W. R. Spalding, .W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days attending to business matters. Mr. Spalding reported that while he and Mrs Spalding were at their summer home at Pacific Grove, their residehce at Visalia was recently burglarized.