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How Lumber Looks
The retail demand for the entire rtate of Californie showed very little change during the first two weeks in July -the demand continues dow due to the seasonal aLackening of business. Pricea continue steady.
Cargo receipts at San Pedro chowed some increase d'uring the past two weeks. On Julv 5 there were 24 coastwise lumber vessels laid up. It is reported that at least a dozen more boats will be tied up within the next two weekg -thic will reduce the receipts at this port considerably.
The tone of the Douglar fir market from the mill end is strong. The West Coast Lumberrnen'E Association reports under date of JuIv 7 that orders received by 21O milts for the week ending Jrme 29 were 0.55 per cent over production. The position of the industry is now considered to be strong, the Association stater, because of moderate production since Jan. 1 and it is expected to be rnaterially bettered'by the annual Fourth of July shutdown, during which time many mills and logsitts camps go out of production for from three dayr to a week or rnore. Prices at the mills are firm and inventories are low.
The National Lumber Manufacturera Arsociation reports the following softwood and hardwood rtatistics for the first twenty-cix weeks of 1929 based on reports from the regional asEociations :
Weat Coast Lumbermen's Argociation (5,265 Mill Reports). Production, 4,505'O5O M feet; Shipments, 41647r678 M feet; Orders, 4,725,173 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Asociation (655 Milt Reports). Production, 6121174 M feet; Shipments, 685r893 M feet; Orders,7Ol,252 M feet.
California Redwood Association (349 VIiII Reports). Production, 189,002 M feet; Shipmentr, 187'435 M feet; Orderr, 203'815 M feet.
Southern Pine Association (3,789 Mill Reports). Production, 117161294 M feet; Shipments, 11776'990 M feet; Orderr, lr775rl27 feet.
Total Hardwoods (6'670 Mill Reports). Production, 1,336,878 M feet; Shipments, 1,343'866 M feet; Orders, 1,330,633 M feet.
Southern California Lumber- John Stroud Wins Mt. Diablo men to Meet at San Die$o Tournament
A meeting of the Southern California lumbermen will be held at the San Diego Athletic Club, San Diego, on Saturday, July 20.
The meeting will open with luncheon at noon at the San Diego Athletic Club. During the afternoon there will be a business meeting. The dinner in the evening will be followed by dancing until midnight. The committee in charge of the meeting have arranged for a fine entertainment during the dinner hour.
In addition to the discussions pertaining to the retail lumber business, reports will be made by the committee on hardwood flooring, cement, sash and doors and roofing. A large attendance is expected at the meeting. Reservations can be made through Orrie W. Hamilton, 1348 E Street, San Diego.
George Good In Northwest
George Good, Good Lumber Company, Tracy, is on an automobile vacation trip in the Northwest, accompanied by Mrs-'Good. They will spend most of the time in Portland and in Eastern Oregon.
John A. Stroud, formerly with E. J. Dodge Co., San Francisco, Redwood manufacturers, and now associated with Sutro & Co., stockbrokers, won the Mt. Diablo Independence Day golf tournament when he defeated R. L. Pratt in the final round, 5 to 4, on July 7.
Roy Hills And Gus Hoover On Northwest Trip
Roy E. Hills, of Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, and A. L. "Gus" Hoover, of Los Angeles, accompanied by their wives left San Francisco on July 9, on an automobile trip to the Pacific Northrvest, by way of the Redwood Highway. They intend to spend some time in Portland, and will visit Victoria, B. C., where they will do some fishing, and play a lot of golf. They expect to return about the end of Tulv.
H. P. Plummer, manager of the Chicago office of the Union Lumber Company, is on a bussiness trip to San Francisco. He will spend several weeks on the Coast.
3 Saturday, Aug. 3