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Random Editorial Ramblings

(Continued from Page 14) of BUYERS, Los Angeles may continue to be a low price market. But it won't be the city that's to blame ! She will continue to do as she has done and is doing-she will buy the goods and pay the price asked. If the poor saps that do the selling insist on Miss Los Angeles buying too cheap, that's their misfortune. But it won't be Los Angeles' fault ! ,k*,*

The trouble with business in the Los Angeles district lies in the business itself. It is certainly that way with the 'lumber, and with the millwork industry. Los AngeleS con; :sumes more lumber than the huge city of New York. We have a large and wonderful millwork industry in this district. California as a whole far surpasses the rest of the 'world in the charm, the quality, the variety, the attractive'ness o'f its millwork. The trade of this territory buys and uses more lumber and millwork per capita than the trade of any other territory. If the lumber and millwork industry isn't bringing prosperity to its followers, whose fault is it? Can there be more than one answer?

No, I'm not tacklin* ;" ;"*tion of what the lumber 'and millwork industry is going to do about it. Not this


H. A. Busterud, sales manager of the Coos Bay Logging Co., North Bend, Ore. was a recent visitor to California. Accompanied by his wife he drove by way of Roosevelt Highway and Redrvood Highway to San Francisco, where he called on the trade in company with James A. Stapleton of the Trower f,umber Co. He also visited Los Angeles, where he conferred with Wise & Brooks, his company's agents in Southern California, and also called on the trade around Los Angeles.


R. E. Ford, vice president of the Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Los Angeies, left the latter part of June for a 10 day business trip to Texas. During his absence, Mr. Ford will call on the dealers at Fort Worth. Dallas. Houston, San Antonio and El Paso.

Howard M. Gunton




112 Market St. San Francirco

Tclcphonc Sutter 7099




SPLIT REDWOOD PRODUCTS time. I've tackled it before, and probably will again. So much for that subject.

Agcntr: A. F. Cuts Lumber Co. Tilluok, Orego.

A writer in the "Four L Lumber News," telling of the retail lumber business as he found it in New York City, gives some interesting descriptions of "New York retailers he has met." For instance, he found one retailer, using a pretentious nams, whose "lumber yard" is in the basement of an old home, and who carries in stock two carloads of No. 3 Western Yellow Pine twelve inch boards AND NOTHING ELSE. He specializes in this item. That's certainly "one for the book".


The "smallest lumber dealer" he describes, interests me. He is the push cart man, a combination retailer of lumber, a4d carpenter. He pushes his cart load of small lumber items around the streets, replacing boards in porches and steps, mending fences, installing shelves, and doing anything else of that character the consumer'needs" I like that man. He renders a genuine SERVICE. We ought to have a lot of them in every city. They would sell lumber, an.d make repairs, and help the small householder in a way that will never be done otherwise.


Ray B. Cox, vice-president and general manager of the Built-In Fixture Co., Berkeley, accompanied by his wife and family, has just completed a two rveeks' trip to Southern California.

The trip was made by automobile, and rvhile Mr. Cox was able to take a little time out from business for sightseeing, a good part of his time was spent at the company's Los Angeles factory.


Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Coats, of Tillamook, Ore., are receiving congratulations on the arrival of twin boys, John Norberg, and Marvin Winston, on June 23.

Mr. Coats is a son of A. F. Coats, of the A. F. Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook, Ore., and is rvoods superintendent of the company.

There Is A Reason

Why the hrgect millr arc b. stalling our IMPROVED AIR COOTED REFUSE BURNERS.

WE .ARE ABLE to care for yorr requirc. mentr for air cooled and brick lined refure brnncrrnew and ured boilen of all rizel and typer.

Seattle Boiler Works

Scettlc, Werh.

lVetghts and Flues

Here we show a charge otlun, ber golng lnto HIDE kllnc. Note the flue that permlts clrcula, tlonr put lnto cverlr etack by apattern ln the ctacklng trane.

Alco note the raltroad lrons on top of each ctack. Thls lc an, other lnnovatlon worked out by HDE t[ono It keeps I con, ctant and unllorn welght dlc, trlbuted over the entlre stackt and caucec the lunber to dry eYenly.

When cuch care har been ured ln alr and |rtln drytng the tutn' ber lr bound to conc out ttat and wlth e rnlnlnutn ol de, grade.

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