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our Solesmen Pride"'

-and genuine pride in his merchandise is a mighty big asset

\FhatThomas l)ougherty, Mqnager of tho llarvard Lumber C.o., Cleveland, has to say about 4-Squaro would fll a couplo of pages like tLis with solid type. Hero ie just ono polnt that ho brings out with special clearressr .'4€qualc givea a salcrmsrr the confidenco that coEG! from Lnowlng that whrthc gell. wilbo attractlvo and looL ltlre thc fino ncrchandlco ho reproaonts lt to be. Ifo leils tt wlth prido becaueo ho Lnowr tl'qt lt wlll mttrfy. Salorman afton cslclErn |'a. told mo thrt 4-Squaro htr helpcd hlm maLo galo*t'

NOWING that your merchandise is good is one thing. Protfingit is another. In 4-Square the progressive lumber dealer and his salesmen have merchandise that speaks for itself. And not only does the man who sells it take pride in it-but everJr man who has anything to do with it, from the yardmen who unload it to the truekmen who deliver it.

4-Square Lumber-and the 4Square Plan-were designed for WE"IERIIAEUSER SALBS COMPAIIYr the fonrard-looking lumber me!chant, the man who not only respeets fine lumberand treatsitas it deserveg but who appreciates the merchandising possibilifi es itofrers. To a few such merchants in each locality Weyerhaeuser is offering the 4-Square Franchise as fast as increased mill capacity pemits. Address our nearest branch office or inquire of our district representative for full details of the 4-Square Plan.

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