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,TOU'LL HAYE the Rest of Your Bueiness Career to be glad you dtd it
A new building material means a new profitt INSO BOARD is a new building material that is dependable insulation for every home. You don't have to depend on new construction for sales. INSO BOARD is used almost as much in older homes as it is for new ones. With INSO BOARD your customers can modernize their homes.
The INSO BOARD merchandising plan is built for the dealer. Because the market is not limited to new construction, because INSO BOARD can be used both as a sheathing or as a plaster base (INSO LATH), and because INSO BOARD (by actual test) cuts heating costs one-third, you have a wonderful new product to offqr your customers.
The coupon printed herewith takes only a moment to fill out. You will have the rest of your business career to be glad you did itl Send in the coupon and you will learn more of the merchandising plan of the Stewart INSO BOARD Company, a plan that means new profits for you.