1 minute read
The spirit of Serviceo.o
THER.E is no cubstinrte for rervice...thet's why thooe who give serice become lcaders. But the public does aot hrstily give tecognition to Ieadership. One month or one year is not accepted as suftcient time to prove $periority. For tbireen ycars
L.I{. Bill end his essocietes have built senice into Fegeol trucksendSafetyCoaches. Ever aheedwith the new, much oftheir competition has been imiation. But the newhas nwer tekenprecedent overpetformance. The inevitable question has always been:
Factory Branches
'Vill it give moreto the buyer?Thus alweys has thc, neenrriog stick ofFageolqudity bcen one ofcervice. Itwecthevision of L.lI. Bill and his essocieteswhich f,rst gwc to rucking equipmentnultiple speed trensmission, resen'oir systcm of oiling, rnd distiactive body colors. It was the same visiop which pleced the Fageol frctory in first place on the Pacific Coast, and hes held it there unchallcnged; which is but rnother wey of saying that the publichas ceught the neaning oftheFegeol SPIRIT OF SERVICB.
Factory Branches
PORTLI\ND 267 Prcifc Strcct:
OAKLAND. 1640DstTwclfth Sttcct
TACOMA .5o3PsydluPAvcouo
SPOKANB ll26sccondstrect