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Reglcter and Year Book

Wertern Lurnber Indurtry 11121, Edltton Now Ready

A nlnute ed rccmte guldc to all bruchcc ol rhc Lunba Induatry ot WaSlngto, Orcgon, Cal|fcala, Idaho, MotlD, Colcado' Nmda' Arlzaq' N* Mulco, Soth Dakot+ Uteh, Wymlng, Alar&a, Brlttrh Columblq the Phtlpplacr ard Hawall.

In pcrcle| lafmttm 3fuen Inchrdcr Prceldat, Mugc, SupcrtrtandcnB Salc Murger, Purchedng Ag.nt rDd Marncr Mechulc. A Copbte ltat o{ mchlnry and cqrdpaB daltr opedty, rpcdcg of w!.d rawd c&., mblcr tLc Scf,s to the Induty to slct SeLc Propectr and Lmber Buym to plae orderr and lnqulrb: lnblnsprtlf.

Ow f0,000 [rdnge tn thc book whlch tnchde: Saq Phrhg ud Shbsl Milfc, W.oodrrqlwr, Lo3glng O1rcntlmr; Box, Vac, Pulp. Peper, Dc, S..h, Crc: ArD!, H.rd€! ard Frnltm Manufrctrnrl MeAhe lthopq Hotetc, Bordnog Hcn+ Gaoral Stou, aad Cmnlruhg operated by hilr. ud cmF; Cdnty Cunlrdosc tn Caf,fmft, Orcgon, WaAinato' I&ho, ad a lLt ol Eertm Lunbcr Bupra

Ordr thlr vatusbh rufemc book todry. a1a/o ofi 6e futru ln tf,c prc- vlru edltlm clintnrtd ud tS% mw 6m eddcd. |\f|ftflfa Peso - . . Pricc $751) Publirhcd by The ty he says. Better you come in and sit on my office lawns in cool. Then John is going in office and bringing nize lemonade and horder books and he asks it dont vou need to buy some nize house and garach. Down to n6rth ends of towns is lumber yards again where Meestare Gallegos have bizness corporashun with Meestare Mensinger who runs theatres and ranches. Meestare Gallegos tell peepul from trucks and lumber sheds warehouses that mv customer is satisfy and every lumbers peepul in town worries all nites how meestare Gallegos is going to satisfy portagees p_ilkigg peepul hext-so they can do same tingJ maybee. Mr. Gartin try to grt portagees cream check too. He -have office look like bank of italy and building loan companee. Thees man Jeems Gartin says bigger and-more bettei crismus partees for retails lumber associashuns and thees motto make Bill Falkenberries to San Joaquin lumber companies at Stockton worry like every tings.

Portlrnd, Orc.

There is not no news Mr. Dione. Every lumber sales pee- pul in Modesto hold up hands and say scantleens will all be same prices-then come in estimates for portagees name of Manual Labor and some bodee forget to put drayage prices-Then everybodee hold more meetings to Bill Masheks lumber yards and all holds up hands again.

I would like to write more lumber gossips but I must go. to tend to my cow which is bother very much with milk leg. Hoping you are same I am.

Very respectable,

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