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More Power to H. A. Lake Says F. L. Morgan
_We are in receipt of the following letter from F. L. Morgan of Whittier-, Calif. Mr. Morgan-was for many years secretary of the Southern California Lumbermen's Association. When that organizatron consolidated with the state association, he retired but he still retains his interest in the lumber affairs of the state. Mr. Morgan's letter tollows:
"f wonder just how much the members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association realize of the splendid and successful work of president H. A. Lake since he took over the jg!. I wonder horv much they appreciate the time and effort he has been giving toward the re-building of the membe_rship and strengthening its r,vork. More power to him. Much more power to him.
,. "f want to- cong_ratulate the association on securing the services of Dee Essley as Field Manager. He is right.".
R. S. Whiting Resigns
-R. S._Whitjng, fo1._ the past ten years secretary-manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau with offices -at Seat-tle and Chicago, has tendered his resignation to take place August 1.
Mr. Whiting announces he has no definite plans for the future, but will take a much needed rest in the north woods and southern shore of Lake Superior during the months of August and September and later in the 6ll will make a short trip to Europe, accompanied by Mrs. Whiting.
Coos Bay Plant at Bay Point Suffers From Fire
Fire which threatened destruction of the entire plant and yards of the Coos Bay Lumber Company at Bay Point, July 4, destroyed 300,000 feet of lumber and 74 lumber trucks with an estimated value of $25,000.
The fire started in the cook house of the Pacific Coast Shipbuilding Company, and fanned by a high wind traveled in the uncut grass between this plant and the Coos Bay company's property.
- "Ample water supply saved the plant," said George Weir, sales manag'er of the company. "We have just completed putting an eight-inch water main the full length of the yard, and recently constructed a canal 26 f.eet wide and six feet deep al.ong the east side of the yard and it is the company's intention to dig a similar canal on the west side."
Miss Ave Maria Rita Burns, daughter William Joseph Burns of Los Angeles, Earl E. R. Bowe on Thursday, June 27, Following a wedding trip along the Pacific terminate at Vancouver, B. C., they will in Los Angeles.
of Mr. and Mrs. was married to at Los Angeles. Coast which will make their home
Mrs. Fowe is a graduate of the University of California at Berki:ley and iJ a member of the class-of 1929. Mr. Bowe is a graduate of Syracuse University and is connected with the National Lumber lUanufacturers Association making his headquarters in Los Angeles.