5 minute read
lVhen you buy ot "CALIF. PANEL" you know you ore getting the best quolity plywood obtcinoble ot competitive prices.
We qre now stocking "HARBORD SUPER," the well known woterproof plywood, in sizes up to 4 ft. by 16 ft.
We solicit your inquiries lor cny plywood requirement you moy hcve in ony quontity whether it be for stondord specilicotions or speciol construction.
Harbor for the compared with
Spend Vacation At Wawona
T. B. Lawrence, I-awrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back at his desk after spending his vacation at Wawona. Mrs. Lawrence, and their two sons, Ted and Dick, will return around the middle of the month.
On Alaska Trip
Merle Bishop of Builders' Emporium, El Cerrito, and Mrs. Bishop left June 30 for a trip to Alaska. They motored to Seattle by way of the Redwood Highway and sailed July 12 for Alaska. They will be back about July 25.
Visits Old Home
Earle E. Johnson, Watsonville Lumber Company, Watsonville, is on vacation. He visited'his parents in Texas and renewed acquaintance with a number of his old friends there. Mrs. Johnson accompanied him.
Largest Red Cedar Shingle Roof In California
What is believed to be the largest red cedar shingle roof ever laid in the state of California, and perhaps the largest in the United States, was recently completed for the Cornmunity Grape Corporation which has a large warehouse at Lodi. The new roof of Certigrade red cedar shingles which required 1150 squares succeeded a wood shingle roof that had been doing service lor D years.
The reroofing job was handled by Lloyd O'Brien, San Francisco general contractor. The shingles were purchased from the retail lumber yard of The Diamond Match Company.
Mtilhg.l&ru: P. O. Box96, Arcedc Stationr IOS ANGEIIS.CAUFORNIA
C. D. Johnson lumber Corporation
Airplone view Toledo plonts-lorgest copocity of ony cor ond corgo mill in Oregon. Grade and trade-mcrrked lumber to conlorm to F.H.A. Requirements. Roil ond weekly corgo shipments to Colifornio ports. Old Growth Yellow Fir Common ond high grode Uppers.
A. B. Grigwold
A. B. McCullough NewhcU Bldgf. 260 Ccrlilornicr St. Phoue GArlield 5258 tOS ANGEI.ES
R. T. Gheen
C. P. Herry Pet Sec. EldE 714 W. Olyrnpic Blvd. Phone PRorpect 1165
Ingersoll At The Tomb Of Napoleon
By Robert G. Ingersoll
A little while ago I stood by the grave of the old Napoleon-a magnificent tomb of gilt and gold fit almost for a dead diety-and gazed. upon the sarcophagus of rare and nameless marble, where rest at last the ashes of that restless man.
I leaned over the balustrade and thought about the career 'of the greatest soldier of the modern world- I saw him walking utrron the banks of the Seine, contemplating suicide. I saw him at Toulon-f saw him putting down the mob in the streets of Paris-I ."* hi* at the head of the army of Italy-I saw him crossing the bridge of Lodi with the tricolor in his hand-I saw him in Egypt in the shadows of the pyramids-I saw him conquer the Alps and mingle the eagles of France with the eagles of the crags.
I saw him at Marengo, at tflm, and Austerlitz. I saw him in Russia, where the infantry of the snow and the cavalry of the wind blast scattered his legions like winter's withered leaves. I saw him at Leipsic, in defeat and disaster, driven by a million bayonets back upon Paris, clutched like a wild beast-banished to Elba. f saw him escape and retake an empire by the force of his genius. I saw him upon the frightful field of Waterloo, where Chance and Fate combined to wreck the fortunes of their former king. And I saw him at St. Helena, with his hands crossed behind him, gazing out upon the sad and solemn sea.
And I thought of the orphans he had made, of the tears that had been shed for his glory, and of the only woman who ever loved him, pushed from his heart by the cold hand of ambition. And I said I would rather have been a French peasant and worn wooden shoes; I would rather have lived in a hut with a vine growing over the door and the grapes growing purple in the kisses of the autumn sun. I woutd rather have been that poor peasant with my loving wife by my side, knitting as the day died out of the sky-with my children upon my knees and their arms about m+f would rather have been that poor peasant and gone down to the tongueless silence of the dreamless dust, than to have been that imperial impersonation of force and murder, known as "Napoleon the Great."
IIe was an ex-soldier was this lunch-counter waiter, and so was the short-order cook, and they had their signals down pat. The customer said to the waiter:
"I want a bowl of oyster soup, two scrambled eggs, coffee, and brown bread."
And the ex-soldier bawled to the cook:
"Marines in the mud; two squads; deploy 'em; cup o' reveille, and colored shock troops."
The Land Of Sky
Today I went a-walking
With the mountains by my side, We strode along together With a long and easy stride. We clambered thru the valleys
And rode the rolling hills
In search of far horizons, Where the golden sunset spills.
Today I went a-walking
With the mountain for my mate, The high majestic mountain That steps along in state. The little near-by hills
That follow in their train, And call for me to linger, And bid me come again.
Today I went a-walking
With the thountains hand in hand, We neither spoke a word but We each could understand. We talked of many ancient things
My mountain friends and f, As we walked along together Up in the Land of Sky.
E. G. Grover.
In Case Of Accident
The little colored boy started on his first railway journey by himself, and his mother told him to write his name and address on a card and keep it in his pocket. So he wrote:
"fn case of accident, this WAS Sammy Jones."
New Books on Balsam-\fool and Nu-\(/ood
New books on Balsam-Wool and Nu-Wood have been prepared recently by the Wood Conversion Company, St. Paul, Minnesota. Both are \li by 11 inches and designed as informative catalogs of each product.
The book "Balsam-Wool Sealed Insulation" is 16 pages, printed in two colors. It illustrates graphically the advantages of insulation-tells how and why insulation should be used and describes how much is needed. Six important qualifications an insulation must have are also included.
Together with application pictures, the book illustrates
Showing the pctented single installction unit lor double hung windows.
1 The Modern Method. ol I
\ Perlect Wind.ow Balancing I
Write for details cnd complete decler set-up
MANUFACTUNED BY how and why the improved Balsam-Wool is easier and more quickly applied. The new Spacer Flange (patent pending), which is designed to increase the insulating efficiency and to reduce application costs 5O/o, is also shown. The Balsam-Wool Money-Back Guarantee is reproduced in full color on the back page.
Boo}lets-"Balsam-Wool Setrled Ingul<rtion" cnd "Nu-Wood Color Hcrmouy" now cvailcble lor distribution by ihe Wood Conversion Coupcny. Both are lully illustrcted with photogrtrphs crnd drcrwings.
The Book "Nu-Wood Color Harmony" contains 4 pages of full color photographs among its 32 pages of illustrations. There are 75 photographs showing many views of Nu-Wood installations in homes. churches, offices, schools and theatres.
The 4 full color pages show treatments in Nu-Wood Tile, Plank, Wainscot and Board. These show a complete wall treatment together with ceilings. The panels which show the actual colors of Nu-Wood are finished in the new KolorTrim pre-decorated moldings-a recent development in the Nu-Wood Color Harmony line. T.wo pages of drawings show suggested wall and ceiling treatments together with other variations in cross section, demonstrating the many possibilities of these moldings.
Nu-Wood accessories, moldings, and friezes are shown together with pictures illustrating the application of NuWood. A complete description of Nu-Wood Interior Finish products, together with Nu-Wood Insulating Lath and Nu-Wood Insulating Sheathing are included. This description includes sizes, colors and thicknesses.
Copies of these booklets may be obtained from the Wood Conversion Company, St. Paul, Minnesota.
We invite lurnber decrlers to tqke crdvcrntcrge of our well qssorted stocks of
) Modern lccilities lor quick
{ shipment crt our storcrge ycrrd
6420 Avcrlon Boulevcrrd tOS ANGEI.ES
Telephone THornwall 3144 Collect us quote you 0n your requirements