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Retail Prices in the " Horse and Bugg y" Days
A few months ago we published an article on export lumber prices in the "horse and buggy" days by Frank W. Trower, Trorver Lumber Co., San Francisco. When Alex H. Corless, now with Lunday-Thagard Oil Co. but for many years connected with the lumber business in Los Angeles, read the article he thought the lumbermen would like to browse through a retail lumber price list of that period and sent us one issued by Patten & Davies Lumber & Fuel Co. (now Patten-Blinn Lumber Co.) of Los Angeles, dated January 27, 1898, showing Pine (Douglas Fir) and Redwood prices.
Below is a reproduction of this retail price list of forty years ago. REDWOOD.
Ro. Merch, tsds. No. r, tx3 to rx8 & dimen..l$zr.oo iii.'". i?i i? : 1'.11 11 1"."i llll: 1," *
Rough Merchantable lloards, essorted. rx ro & upl not IxI2.
Rough Merch, z inches and thicker, by 14 andl
16 inches wide, tz to 30 ft. inclusive .l zo.oo
Rough Merch, 'z inches and thicker, by l4 andl
16 inches wide, 3z to 40 fr. inelusive,, I zz.oo
Special sizes other than above, add difference per P. P. L. Co. list.
Rough Merch. Bds.. No, z & short, 5 ft. & underl
Rough Selected, not strictly clear ...... ......1
Curbing 3xr6... .,... .1 tx6 and rx4 T. & G. Bd, No, 2, tt It & 22.5o
Rough pointed Pickets. Fancy pointed Pickets. tx6 and rx4 T. & G. Bd. rz to 14 feet. rx6 and rxl T. & G. Bd.
Surfaced Clear and Rough Clear, 16 inches andl under, rz to 20 feet. I go
'r " 2, t2 to 20 '3 " .....1 28. Includes rxro channel, rxroV.&C.V.. rx8V.,l
Two and Three Lap Rustic.
For all other styles of Rustic, add to above $2. per M.
[n-.l.ti::: i : .'.(:.'.r.:l'.?.':: :'l: ilo ::: I i; *
" Ye " Surfaccd,S.M.. )zl. Shingfes. 4bundles,perM.. .........1 z.
,, 4 .. .. Fancy .i S.So
Shakes, split, 6x36inches. ...1 rq.oo
" sawn, 6x36,. ..1 r4.oo
Posts,split,each... .........1 .2o
Fluming, t,tr/aand rlinches... ...1 z6.oo
% inch. surfaced and D. S. ...1 ,l .So
Sawed Redwood Stakes, per M ...,. ..1 zo.oo
Split .. ... ...1 zS,oo 5Pllt ....1 25.oo
Panel, casing and tank stock, 4 to rr feet. ....1 z7.So t in, and t/a in. x 31 4r S and 6inch, surfacedt n. and, ry+ rn. 3, 4, 5 6 inch, surfacec one side and twoedges.
Above prices ore eubject bo 2% discount for spot cash. trilo egtimates fqnished.
Flubert Schafet Anna Schafer
Margaret Schafer
312 Anerican Bank Buildi,g Ray Schaecher, Mgr.