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GArlield 8393
Wholesalers of all West Goast forest ProductsGreosoted and Wolmartzed Lrrrmbet and Pilingr- RAIL_CARGO
Broadside on Structural Insulation Board Wm. Groundwater Enters Lumber Businssg
Within the last two months, Certain-teed Products Corporation, 100 East 42nd St., New York, has announced a new and complete line of cane fibre insulating board, including C-S-I (Certain-teed Structural Insulation) Insulation Board, C-S-I Asphalt Sheathing, C-S-I Key Lap Lath and Asphalt Key Lap Lath, and C-S-I Finish Plank and Decorative Tile.
A broadside is now available to dealers which explains the triple purpose of the new products-structural strength as they insulate and add either decorative interior finish or a vapor barrier.
The literature tells the story of these new C-S-I products on one side and is to be used as a wall hangar to tell consumers the story of the various products when opened up to the inside spread.
New Offtce Buildins at 9th Ave. Pier
Gamerston & Green, wholesale lumber dealers, recently completed their new office building at the foot of 8th Avenue, Oakland.
The new building has a very attractive appearance, the exterior being of Redwood Rustic and the interior being finished with Philippine Mahogany paneling and Armstrong's Temlok Insulation Board. Redwood shingles are used on the roof.
Dick Twohy, Los Angeles, has accepted a position with the Chiloquin T. umber Co., Chiloquin, Ore., for the summer months. He will enter U.C.L.A. in the fall.
William Groundwater has resigned as manager of marine operations for the Union Oil Company, which he served thirty-three years, to enter the retail lumber business as president and treasurer of the Alert Lumber & Mill Co., Bell, Calif. Mr. Groundwater is chairman of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Harbor, Foreign Commerce and Shipping Committee.
G. C. Cable, his partner in the business, is vice-president and operating manager of the company. Mr. Cable was formerly operating manag'er of the Hammond Lumber Company at Los Angeles, and has been associated with the himber business for the past thirty-three years.
Retailers Meet
Retail dealers in the San Bernardino, Riverside and Pomona districts met at San Bernardino, Friday evening, June 23. C. W. Pinkerton, chairman of the Committee on Legislation, California Retail Lumbermen's Association, addressed the meeting, talking on the bills that were under consideration at the recent session of the State Legislature.
Walter Koll, A. J. Koll Planing Mill Ltd., Los Angeles, and Mrs. Koll, left June 27 for New Orleans. They will also visit Atlanta, Ga., Washington, and New York. While in New York they will take in the Fair. They will return by way of Canada, traveling over the Canadian Pacific Railway, thence down the Coast to San Francisco. They will be away about a month.
A six-room home of frcrme which is unique and well proportioned.
The modern entry porch which lecrds into q well-lighted living room, the compqct qrrdngement of interior, with its profusion of closets, together with the mqny conveniences incorporoted, make this one ol the grecrtest home values.
Complete working blue print plcrrs of this home cqn be furnished by E. M. Dernier Service Burecru, 3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angeles-Telephone PArkwcry 2598. All plcmning cmd designing service is under the direct supervision of Wm. E. Chcrdwick, Registered Structurcrl Engineer.