2 minute read
Rate---$Z.5o Per Column Inch.
Situation Wanted
By experienced lumbertnan' salesman, estimator and yard foreman. 20 years' experience. Married and have a family. Know wholesale and retail trade. Good references. Address Box C-763 California Lumber MerchanL
Wanted by Wholesale Yard, experienced lumber and panel salesman familiar with factory and industrial trade in Los Angeles. Address Box C-766 California Lumber Merchant.
Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Experienced lumberman who can invest in well established lumber yard" sales of which average from $4,500 to $s,fi)O a month, and to act as manager. Address Box C-765, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position In Retail Yard
Young man, 22 years of age, desires position in retail yard as utility man. Three years' experience. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-767, care California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards Wanted
If your yard is located in Soutfiern California and you want to sell, let us know about it as we have inquiries from lumber yard buyers. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg.' Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
When a lumberman buyeth good lumber And selleth the same below cost, The pangs of regret will assail him When he reckons the kale that is lost.
When a customer asketh clear finish And getteth a substitute grade, He forthrightly telleth the neighbors And warneth them where not to trade.
When the lumberman looketh important Top heavy and overly high, He'lI gape through his cob-webbed windows As the cream of the trade passeth by.
When a customer asketh a question And receiveth a surly reply, He taketh his estimates elsewhere And telleth the countryside why.
When the lumberman leaveth good lumber Exposed to the sun and the rain, The cost of deterioration Will furnish him plenty of pain.
When termites bore into his lumber, The lumberman killeth the same, But unethical practices, brother, Are the termites that nibble his fame.
So, I'm saying to fallers and millmenI,n fact to all workers in wood, He findeth the game is a good one, Who playeth the same as he should.
Adeline Merriam Conner.
Quick Sale lor First of 1939
Demonstration Homes
W. C. Bell, managing director of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association and an organizer of the Western Homes Foundation, has just reported to the National Lumber 'Manufacturers Association the first of its 1939 Demonstration Homes to be completed and sold.
A variation of basic design 2-D, the house was finished about the middle of May at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Advertised as a low-cost Demonstration Home, it was sold one hour after its opening to John F. Hansen, superintendent of the box factory at Klamath Lumber and Box company'
Mo-bedroom house
The selling price of this one-story, tr was $2750. The down payment was $300 and the monthly payment, under local building and loan association financing, was $30.
This home was built on a paved street on a lot costing $500. The house itself was rated as costing $2250. The structure is heated by small oil burning furnace, has a modern kitchen and an electric hot water heater.
Approximately 1500 persons visited the Demonstration Home in the first four hours following its opening.
A new folder has just been published by the Celotex Corporation, 919 N. Michigan Ave', Chicago, Ill., describing Celotex Traffic-Top as a new material which inexpensive ly transforms flat roofs that have never been used before into recreational areas. Four pages of illustratio'ns show the attractive and practical applications of this latest material which makes it possible to utilize roofs in a new way. Available upon written request, the folder is furnished free.