5 minute read

Procedure for Privately Financed Housing Proiects and Utifities

Involv ed Therewith--P-55--PD-545A

Thi*y Day Clause on New Construction Commitments

W. G. Bingham, district director, Federal Housing Administration, Los Angeles, in a letter to approved tending institutions, dated June 3Q 1942, states:

The following procedure has been outlined by the Division of Industry Operations of the War production Board in order to coordinate the handling of applications for preference ratings by privately financed housing projects and the utilities involved with same:

I. Builder

A. Prepares Form PD-105 in sextuplicate;

B. Retains sextuplicate copy and sends original and all other copies to the local office of Federal Housing Administration together with one set of drawings and specifications for the design, materials and equipment for each basic type of dwelling unit or improvement, and plot or sub-division lay-out plans showing the location of each building.

II. Local Federal Housing Administration

A. Reviews case and determines;

1. If case warrants further consideration provided utilities can be obtained and if such is the case: a. Forwards to the Builder such suggestions or recommendations as may appear appropriate with respect to the location, lay-out, type of structure, or other features for the proposed housing projects, b. Issues a letter to the applicant giving authority to request the utilities companies (or producer as defined in Order P-46) serving the pro- ject area to prepare Application Form pD545. This Form must be executed before further consideration may be given to Application pD105;

2. If the application does not warrant further consid, eration: a. Forwards file with recommendation of denial to Los Angeles Office of the National Housing Agency; b. Retains copy of PD-105 and files in closed file.

III. Builder

A. fncorporates suggestions, if any made, by the local FHA;

B. Submits to each affected utility company;

1. Details of proposed project showing its exact geo_ graphic location;

2. Copy of the sub-division plat as it appears on the record, or if not recorded, a scale drawing covering the entire project showing dimensions of lots, rights of way, utility easements, project boundaries, and the location of each structure proposed in the project;

3. Such additional information as the utilitv company may require.

IV. Local Utility Company

A. Determines if the project can be served within the limits specified by the Housing Utilities Standards of the WPB. If the facilities can be provided within these limits:

1. Prepares PD-545 in quadruplicate;

2. Retains quadruplicate copy and sends all other copies to the Builder.

B. If the determination is that the project does not come within the limits specified by the Housing Utilities Standards:

1. Forwards covering letter to the Builder with suggested changes, or

2. Forwards covering letter to the Builder denying the application.

V. Builder '

A. Submits at one time all copies of PD-545 for each utility concerned to the local FHA.

VI. Local FHA

A. Completes processing of PD-1O5 and examines PD545 for completeness and apparent inconsistencies with the Housing Utilities Standards. If inconsistencies are noted, requests correction or explanation from the Builder or Utility Company.

B. Retains one copy of PD-105 and triplicate pD-545:

C. Forwards entire case to the Los Angeles Office of the National Housing Agency.

VII. Office of the National Housing Agency

A. Reviews the PD-105 and related PD-545 applications;

B. Records recommendation and signs PD-105;

C. Retains one copy of PD-105;

D. Routes case file to WPB field office.

VIIL WPB Field Offices

A. If the application is approved by the WPB Field Office;

1. Prepares in triplicate P-55 Order and Form PD545.{ in quadruplicate, pursuant to applications PD.105 and PD-545, respectively, listing on both any exceptions or deletions;

2. Obtain signatures to P-55 and PD-545A;

3. Dispatches original P-55 Order and quadruplicate Form PD-545A to the Builder and original of ' Form PD-545A to the local utility company;

4. Forwards duplicate copy of PD-545 together with the triplicate copy of PD-545A to the Power Branch, WPB, Washington, D. C.;

5. Retains duplicate PD-105, duplicate PD-545A, original PD-545 and any other pertinent papers.

B. If application is not concurred in by the WPB Field Office:

1. Prepares denial letter in quintuplicate and forwards r original to the applicant;

2. Retains copy for case folder and forwards copy to: a. National Housing Agency; b. Federal Housing Administration;

3. Places case in a suspense file;

4. If after a reasonable length of time, the case has not been acted upon, the WPB Field Office for' wards the case to the Housing Priorities Branch , for review and action if the point in question is related to Housing, or to the Power Branch if the point in question is related to Utilities;

5. The Housing Priorities Branch or the Power Branch will review the case and reach a decision. The case will then be returned to the WPB Field Services Office;

6. Upon receipt of a decision from the Housing Priorities Branch or the Power Branch, the WPB Field Office shall take such appropriate action as may be necessary in notifying the interested parties.

The following is in connection with the issuance of Federal Housing Administration commitments involving new construction:

Effective immediately all commitments involving new construction shall include a clause to the effect that if construction under such commitment has not started within thirty days from the date of issuance, the commitment may be cancelled upon written notice.

Upon the expiration of this thirty day period, but not sooner than 30 days after the issuance of Preference Rating Order P-55 as determined by reference to Form FS-8, the mortgagee shall be advised that unless evidence satisfactory to us is submitted within fifteen days from the date of such notice, showing that the builder has proceeded as promptly as possible and that delays were caused by circumstances beyond his control, the commitments will be cancelled.

It is hoped that the introduction of this rule will be effective in reducing unnecessary delays in the beginning of construction of war housing. It is not the intent to work any undue hardship on mortgagees or mortgagors where delays are unavoidable.

WesternPineAssociation lssues New Edition of Standard Grading Rules

Portland, Oregon, Jane ZG-The Western Pine Association is now distributing a new edition of its Standard Grading Rules for Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Idaho White Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Larch-Douglas Fir, White Fir, Engelmann Spruce, Incense Cedar and Red Cedar lumber. The latest edition, just off the press, is efiective as of July l, t942, and supersedes all previous issues.

This edition contains all changes approved by the Association's Grading Committee since April, 1939. With the exception of Paragraph 330 providing an alternative method of grading Douglas Fir common boards, dimension and timbers in the Western Pine region on the basis of West Coast rules, the changes are largely minor revisions and corrections.

The 1942 grading rules are published in the same convenient pocket size as heretofore. Copies may be had at 15 cents each, from the.Western Pine Association, 510 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon. Quantity lots are of' fered at reduced prices, depending on the quantity wanted.

Will Go In Army Air Corps

King Goodrich, who is associated with his father, E' A. Goodrich, of the Goodrich Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has signed up with the U. S. Army Air Corps and is now waiting to be called into active service.

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