1 minute read
Nexf to the Sfors and .Strpes aaa AS PROUD A FLAG AS INDUSTRY CAN FLY
Signifying 9O Percent or Morc Employec Porticipotion in rhe Poy-Roll Sovings Plqn
I lT doeso't go into the smoke of battle, but wherever you-see this flag you know that it spells Victory f& oor boys onihe fighting fronts. To "tetyooe, it means that the firm which flies it has attained 90 perceot or more.employee p-articiPf' tion in the Pay-Roll Savings Plan . that their emDloyees are turning a -part of their earnings int6 tanks and planeJand- guns regthrly, evetypay day, through the systematic purchase ot U.-S. Var Bonds.
You don't need to be engaged in war production activiw to flv this flag. Any patriotic ltrm can oualifi and irake av{tal contribution to Victory 6y -it iog the Pay-Roll Savings Plan available t6 its employees, and by securing p0 perc-ent or more emiloiee participation. Then notify your State Delenie S-aviogj Staff Administrator that you have reached the goal. He will tell you how you may obtain your flag.
If your firm has already installed the Pay'Roll Savines Plan. now is the time to increase your efforti (r) To secrue wider participatioo and reach the po-percent goTl; \z) to encou-rage emolovees to iicrease t[eir allotmeots until 10 p""'cedt or more of your gross pay roll is sub' ^scribed for Bonds. '"To[en" illdtments will not win this war any more than t'token" fesist' ance will keep our'eaemies from our shores, our homes. I'f your frm has yet to install the Plao, remember, Tlltf IS SHORT.
Vrite or utire for fttll facts 4r2d litetanre on instaL ling yn eay-n6il Saaings Plan nout-, 44d'os irz";;i b"f"rt"mt, Seitiot D, 709 r2th st'' NV,' Vasbinstorh D. C