2 minute read
Position Wanted
Lumberman with thirty years experience operating in Southern and Western woods-all phases of construction, logging, manufacturing-desires position as buyer, with woodworking factory, line yard firm, manager of retail yard, or assistant to owner. Age 53 years. References.
Address Box C-947, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Back From North
C. R. (Bob) Taenzer, president, American Hardwood Company, Los Angeles, returned recently from a business trip to Northern California. He was accompanied by his wife and daughter, and they stopped at Del Monte on the way home to attend the convention of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association.
In Active Service
Charles McMurray, salesman for L. H. Eubank & Son, lnglewood, Calif., is now in the Army. He is stationed at Camp Roberts.
Second Hand Machinery Wanted
What have your to sell in woodworking machinery in good condition?
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Bob Meyer With Signal Corps
Robert Meyer, son of Henry Meyer, manager of the Oakland Lumber Co., Oakland, left recently for Camp Crowder, Missouri, where he will take a three months' course with the Signal Corps.
Bob, who worked in the yard of the Oakland Lumber Co. for the last two years, has been an amateur radio operator since he was 14.
Frank Connolly In Washington
Frank J. Connolly, vice-president and general manager of Western Hardwood Lumber Co.; Los Angeles, left July 10 on a business trip to Washington, D. C.
News Flashes
Henry M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, is vacationing at Trinity Alps Resort, Trinity County, Calif. He will be back July 20.
George C. Cornitius of George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., San Francisco, left by plane July 8 to visit mill connections in the South and will spend some time in Washington, D. C., in connection with the supply of shipbuilding materials for the Navy. He will return July 25.
Frank Brown, salesman for Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division, San Francisco, is spending his vacation at Brookdale in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Harry Larsen, Calif., recently National Park.
Larsen Bros. returned from Lumber Co., San vacationing in Leandro, Yosemite
L. J. Carr and P. V. Burke of L. J. Carr & Co., Sacramento, are spending a few days this week in Los Angeles, conferring with W. D. (Bill) Dunning, Southern California sales representative. They traveled by plane from the capital city.
Jas. B. Overcast, sales manager, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, is on vacation, making his headquarters in San Diego. He will visit Ensenada and other points in Mexico.
George E. Ream, George E. Ream Company, Los Angeles, is back from a business trip to the Northwest.
The plant of the Larkspur Lumber Co., Larkspur, Calif., has been taken over by the general contractors for the new Southern Marin city now being constructed to hodse workers in the Bechtel shipbuilding yard at Sausalito.
Carl Reeder, Hammond Redwood Company, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Reeder, have returned from a vacation at Lake Arrowhead. Roy E. Hills, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, left July 3 to spend two or three weeks at \Mawona, Yosemite National Park.
B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, returned July 13 from vacation in the High Sierra.
Jas. E. (Jimmy) Atkinson, Francisco, returned July 1 from Fir and Pine mills in Southern Northern California.
Atkinson-Stutz Co., San two weeks' trip calling on Oregon and Pine mills in
The Pacific Lumber & Eighteen, Los Angeles, is Supply Co., 123 North Avenue retiring from business.
Joe Bugley, W. B. Jones Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and family, spent their vacation at Sequoia National Park.
The National Retail Lumber Dealers Association announces the occupancy of its new offices in the Normandy Building, 1626 K Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C., on luly I, 1942.