1 minute read
Our San Francisco Ollice
announces the appointment of Mr. J. E. Martin as the manager of its business, news and editorial afiairs in Northern C,alifornia. Hir ofiice is 804 Fife Building, San Francisco, in the suite of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. His phone number is Kearny 5100. Mr. Martin is a trained and experienced lurnberman and forester. He is entirely at your scryice.
Any courtesies extended to Mr. Martin will be fully appreciated.
JACK DIONNE, Publisher.
i\s lath generally are handled to round out lumber cargoes, the temporary withdrawal of a large number of ahipa from the coartwile eenice, has created a rcarcity of lath throughout the ctate. Green lath are strenglhening, although rome dry lath are available.
rnanufacturerc and distributorr in San Francirco and Los Angeles are having a little more difficulty in getting their ordere filled at the mills, although they have plenty of rtockr to take care of their own orderr. Furniture factories and other indurtrier are making rtrong demands on the hanlThe hardwood market continues firm. The hardwood wood suppliel right now.