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Ships Tie [Jp---Cargo Receipts Lighter
Lumber receipts in Los Angeles harbor have been growing lighter through the last 1O dayg of July and with more than a rcore of vessels tied up cargo rhipments may continue light through the month of August.
- But the early and middle part of July saw an extraordi' narily big run at the harbor and the totals for the month will exceed thore of June by more than 6,O0O,OOO feet.
Receipts of Fir and other woodc from the Northwect for the month were 87,246,0010 feet, and of Redwood 11,625,000 feet-a total of 98,870,000 feet. Receiptr t[e lart two dayr of the month were 1O,6251000 feet.
Forest fires have cloeed many mills in Oregon and Warhington and not enough lumber is being produced to fill all
Lumber receipts at San Francisco harbor for the first six months of the present year r;t/ere 332,000,000 feet, includ'ing both rail and cargo shipments.
With receipts for the last part of July estimated, the total for the first seven months of the year is approximately 400,000,000 feet.
It is apparent that the volume for the last six months of the year will be mtrch heavier than for the first six months, as tle receipts have shown a gradual increase from month to donth. - Owing to weather conditions in the early part of the year, lumber arrivals were comparatively light' reaching only 34,353,000 feet in January, compared' with more thin 60,000,000 in February and 66,000,000 in May.
Rail shipments always are an important factor in the San Francisco district, as much of the redwood and great quantities of Douglas fir come in there in carload lots. For the the ships engaged in the Coastwire trade, so it ir probable that many of thore now idle will rernain idle. So, until thir cituation ir relieved, receipts will remain low.
For the fint six months of the year receipts at San Pedro and Redondo aggregated nearly half a billion feet460,000,000 in round figuru.
Up until the boat tie-up came, receiptr had been growing. They were 55,OOO,OO0 feet in April, 88'OO0,OOO feet in Man and 92TOOOTOOO feet in Jtme.
If shipping returns to a normal basir the lact half of the year doubtleu will see a big run and the total for the whole year may then reach tbe expected total of I'O0O'OOO'O(X) feet.
I service wherever he went. first six months, the rail movement aggregated. 57,000,000 feet, compared. to 275,000,000 feet of waterbound business, or about 17 per cent of the total.
I-.los Angeles building permits in JuIy were not so heavy as in June and Spring months. Up to the evening of the 27th they aggregated $7,217,140, and represented 3,088 separate permits, so the total for the month will approxinate $8,000,000. For June the total was $10,652,000.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary of the California Red.wood Association, attended the national standardization conferences in Chicago last week. Mr. Hammatt has been on a tour of the Redwood consuming territory in the East and Micldle'West for the last six weeks, introducing the new Red.wood. sales service to the trade, and reports a great interest in t4e