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rr Kindly ExIDreSSiOnS rr
ttl congratulate you. You have rendered the lunber indurtry a rcryhc of incalculable value, and I tnut that the hmbcrm generally will exprer their appreciation.tt (Jobn E. Rhodcr, Sccretary-Manager, Thc Southcrn Pine Alro6tioo, Ncw Orleanl La.)
'olVc are in receipt of your fint irue and beleve it war tbe fucrt paper ever publhhed for Califomia hmbetmcn."
(C'orCe Leal, LGal & Sonr Lumber Co., Lincoln, CaI.)
Robc* Kingrbury, well known lumberman and lumber Arrochtion wor*er of Mobertn Mo., rent in two dolaFfor THE CALIFORNLA LLffBER MERCHANT, ordering it rcot to the public library of Moberly. He nrrote: ,.The mirturc of rca breezc and Dionne brceze rhould nakc a dandy combination."
"\f,le are rtrong for your papcr and we want tte bog to havc a look at it too. We are mighty glad to lee you comG into Californiar and we hope you wr'll hclp ur booct bettcr fiingler in this teritory." (A. C. Pcrty, M. R. Smith Lun bcr & Shingle Co., Lor Angeler.)
tlVe have already had our moneytr worth out of t[e rarnc copy." (Coart Cedar Shingle Co., Portland, Or,egon.)
"Anyt[ing with Jack Dionne'r name on it ir worth tho pricc of admision. We extend you our bert wirher for unbounded aucces in your nw field.tt (D. S. Montgomer5r, Sccretary, Wirconrin R"hil Lunberncntr Arociation, Milwaukec.)
"We did not know what we had been nircing all th€.c ycarn unbl the new paperr etartcd co-i.g. It ir the bed wc have evcr a€en, jut fult of nervr and .pep.t The lart rpar ro good we want two or three extra Eopier.tt (S. L. Boyd, Boyd Lumber & Milt Co., Santa Barbara.)
"The linc yard managcr har great necd of thc kind of n*r, rpecial articler, and ruggectionr ttat appear in your publfoatbn. In rending ttie eubrcription I feel that I am E*ing an invcrhnt." (C. A. Campbell, Managcr, Thc King Lrmbcr Co., Shefter, Cd.)
"lt ir e nwrSl littlc peper and we predic{ it will glow ferl" (E. R. Longlcy, Southcrn Ltmber Co., Boulder Crce&, Cal.)
ttThis is merely a note of congratulation in connection with the fint irlre of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, whicb, contrar5r to my urual custoq I bave read from cover to cover. Pleare accept my wirhee for a prorperoru futurq" (C. Stowell Smith, Secretar5r, Cdiforah White and Sugar Pine ManrfacturerC Asrociation, San Francirco.)
"To ray rlat we are delighted with the new paper doer not half €apnerr how.we feel about it. The fint irue ir worth two dollars. It b ju* the kind of paper that the tradc ic b need of, and rve wirh you eyerlr ruccelr.rt (J. H. Baker, Prerident, Citizeu' Lurnber Co., Richfield, Utah.)
"lVe are both nore than pleared with .THE LITMBER MERCHANT.' May ruccers camp upon ib trait in rearon and out. Of coune, ar a relfsh Calarnaniac I'n hoping it will roon be knorm a^r .Dionne't Bectrt but even if my hope ir fulfilled, I'll never go back on .The Livert.' (Mn. Fred E. Conner, Sacramento, Cal.)
"We want to congtatulate you on the fint nunbcr of THE CAIJFORNLA LUMBER MERCHANT. Ir.har exceeded anythins we night have expected." (E. L. Bnrce Conpann Memphir, Tenn.)
"Your paper ir rurely full of SPIZZERINKTUM and if you happen to read any of our local papen you will ree. sorne of your idear doing work for us b tf,em. youn for the big nrccer of tihc new paper.tt (Robert L. Tate, Tate Lrmber Co., Huntington Park, C"t.)'
From a Courteour ContemporarSr
THE CALIFORNLA LLMBER MERCHANT i. rhe tith of a ncw rcmi-monthly lumber jourial ireued by Jack Dionne of Hourton, Texal, in t os Angeler, Cal. The publication b attractively gotten up, and as the name implies, maker rnerchandiring itr principal mirion. Shad lGanta of portland, will be editor and nanager, whfoh in itrclf b a guarantee that thc field of the Lurnbcr Merchirnt will bG mort worthily covered. The Timbeman rincenely wisher tte newest EGrrber of thc Pacific Coart lunber journal fanily prorperity and long lifc. (C'€o. M. Coanwall, The Timbernan.)