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70 Milesof Schumacher Wall Board at L.A. Industrial Exposition.
Seventy miles of wall board! That's SOME sale. It is exactly the amount that The Schumacher Wall Board Company of Los Angeles has sold for ihe purpose of constructing booths for the great Industrial Exposition and Pageant of Progress to be held in Los Angeles late in August under the auspices of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. This is one of the biggest sales ever made by the big wall board company, and they are very proud of it.
Here is a picture of a sample booth built of this wall board as it will appear at the Exposition.
The Schumacher WaII Board Company desires through THE CALTIFORNIA I-.iUMBER, MER,CHANT to extend an invitation to all lumbermen who visit the exposition to make their headquarters in the Schumacher booth, which they are preparing for the Exposition, and where all visiting lumbermen v'ill be made welcome.
"'W'e are supplying 350,000 feet of wall board for the Exposition booths alone, " announces Sales Manager EarI Schmidt of the Schumacher Wall Board Company.
"Put that much'wall board end to end and it would reach from Los Angeles to Riverside," says Jos. E. Schumacher, General Manager.
" The Exposition is going to make a wonderful exhibit for
Schumacher rvall board. It is remarkable what beautiful effects can be secured on the surface of this boarrl. Some of the decorations alread.y finished on the Exposition booths are very artistic and. give a splendid idea of the possibilities of finishing this u'all board when it is used in resid.ential construetion.
"The joints can be sealed. in such a manner as to eliminate the use of battens. Now a smooth, unbroken surface can be secured l'hich offers an ideal background for any kind of rvall covering. Schumacher lr.all board is really not d.esigned for temporary construction, although it is frequently used for that purpose.
"The r'vhole Exposition will be a lvonderful display of our product and it presents a splendid opportunity for everyone to see just what this 'wall board is like and how it looks, even lvhen used only for temporary construction. "