1 minute read
Aduertisements Are KindlA Thoughts
Advertirementr are kindly THOUGHTS, uttered forYOUR benefit. Ever think of itin that way?
The burines of living ir in redity, rimply the bruinere of THINKING. A human mind b like a lake. It murt have both inlet and outlet.
Each of ur ir continually thinking IDEAS of our own, and rwapping them for the ideac of otherr. If there ir a faminc of outride idear, we rhrivel up. Children with "nobody to play with" ar,,E unhappy and unmanageable.
The originator of an idea ir not much better off then before he originated it, rurtil he getr otherr to enjoy it, abrorb it, and bcnefit by it.
From thinking with our headr, to DOING with our handr, it i! but a little rtep, and then our THOUGHTS. become THINGS.
It ir becaurc tbe men of America ere ro rmfettered in their THINKING and DOING that thir counbry ir ro fine a place to WORK in; and it ir becaure thc.€ THOUGHTS are ro freely radiated and rpread broadcart in the dietribution of manrfactured things and in the dirtribution of FACTS concernlng them (ADVERTMING), that thir corntry u ro 6ne a pl,ace to LIVE in.
The advertircmentc in papen and rnagazber are THOUGHTS-telling you of thc ideas that other men and woraen have thought out for your happinec.
READ THE ADS. Thcy are tte voicer of hundredr of trhouandr of loomr, rhopr, foundrier, rtudior, and laboratoriel whcre millionr of mindrareturningPLEASANTTHOUGHTSintoTHINGS WORTH WHILE-for YOUR comfort and advant'ge.