3 minute read
Random Items-Mill Run
Port Orford cedar now is being brought into California in fairly large volume through the direct steamship service rnaintained by the Coos Bay I-,umber company from its mills at Marshfield, Ore., to Bay Point and to San Pedro. The company cuts about 1,2,000,000 feet of lumber a month of which approximately 20 per cent is Port Orford. ced.ar. Most of the mill's output comes to California.
George Wier, general manager of the company, recently took a trip to Southern California and looked over the new terminal facilities his company recently obtained there. While at San Pedro harbor he inspected a shipment of 300,000 feet of Port Orford cedar sold to the Los Angeles harbor commission for dock construction. This species of wood has been used in much of the dock construction at SanPedro harbor as well as at other California harbors, and has proved universally satisfactory. It resists decay to a rerriarkable degree and has all the strength requisite for heavy construction work.
Mr. Wier reports that Port Orforcl cedar also is gaining wide popularity in ordinary domestic uses, such as sash, doors, screens, wash boards, ice cream tubs, wash tubs and other places where exposure to the elements and durability are important factors. He says that on his own home he has a screen door, made of Port Orford cedar, that has been re-screened three times; but the frame is still goocl.
Port Orford cedar really is a species of cypress, and not a true cedar. The railroads recognize this in granting it the same rate as Douglas fir in rail shipments.
The only commercial stand. of Port Orford cedar is in Coos and Curry counties in the southwestern part of Oregon. The trees vary in height up to 180 feet and. in diameter from the size of a telegraph pole up to six feet. The rnrod is almost white, having a yellow tinge with n very slight trace of red. It is rather hard., straight, fine and even grained., tough, decidedly odorous and extremelv rlut'able. It can be easily worked. and does not lose its shape after manufacture.
It is manufactured into nearly all grades of commotr and fnish lumber and is growing in popularity. Beeanse its supply is limited, it never will become extremely colnlron. Its most extensive use in recent years has been in the nranu' facture of battery separators for automobile batteries. It also is qualified for use in airplane construetion.
Theo. I-.rerch, sales manager for the Albion I.iumber Company, of San F rancisco, reports with more than passing interest, that his firm has just sold and shipped by boat from their Redwood mills in Mendocino county, 20,000 7x9 split Redwood railroad ties to Astoria, Oregon, where they will be used by the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad. This is the second sale of this same nature, the previous one being 25,000 Redwood. ties, and the repeat ord.er into Fir territory was very pleasing to the Redwood folks. This last order 'made up about 2,000,000 feet.
The Albion Lumber Company operates two Redwood mills at Albion and Navarro, Mendocino county, which are ofr the main line railroad, and ship by water only. They have their own fleet of four vessels plying between their mills and California coast ports mostly. They own about 105 square miles of Redwood tidber country surrounding their mills. Chas. F. Flynn, of Albion, is general manager.
The Kirby-Bonner l-rumber Company, of llouston, Texas, mammoth produeers of Southern Pine, reports through Sales Manager llarry T. Kend.all that they recently sold and shippecl to a big Los Angeles retailer two straight cars of special edge grain long leaf Southern Pine flooring.
The Kirby-Bonner Ilumber Company is just completing its first hardwood plant in Texas, and will be big producers of hardwood in future, having a billion feet of hardwood stumpage ahead of them. They will probably operate several hardwood mills, and expect to be factors in the California hardwood market.
J. V. G. Posey of J. V. G. Posey & Company,.nanufacturers of spruce specialties at Hoqtiam, 'Wash., has been passing the last few ,weeks at San Franeisco and Los Angeles. IIe is accompaniecl by Mrs. Posey, a former I-los Angeles girl. Mr. Posey himself grew up in Los A:rgeles and cntered. the lumber business there nore than a decade ago. He was the first to bring spruce piano stock into Southern California. That naturally letl him to the source of his supply and he established a mill at Hoquiam" A few yesrs ago he moved his sales office to Portland and. maintains his own office there. He specializes in spruee and. enjoys a substantial trade in that line among the California dealers.