1 minute read
Fomes about Homes
There are sixty good minutes in every hour, There are twenty-four hours in a day; And the volume of lumber You sell. shows the number Of minutes you used the right way.
You can sit on a chair at your desk, and declare That the price of your goods is not high; But you'll have to get out Get busy-and shoutIf you want folks to come in and buy.
Whenever you rest you are setting a test Of just what your business will stand; If it doesn't keep going 'Twill have to be slowing You must toot or drop out of the band.
Of course it is right to spend. part of the night In sleep that brings health, strength, and beauty; But don't dare to take From the time you're awake, One minute you owe to your duty.
You've a task for a man but I know that you can If you tackle it, do what you must, And labor's a virtue That never will hurt you, 'While idleness burns like a rust.
Our towns must be fillecl with shelters men build Out of lumber, you ought to be selling; And the aim of these "pomies" fs to sing about IIOMES
Until every last child has a dwelling.
Tiie Entiiusiastic Man
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