1 minute read
lndcpcndcnt \f,fholeralerr 2024.26 BAY STREET LOS ANGELES ive methe man who is enthusiastic.
The man\rho fairly bubbles over with all-absorbing interest in what he is doing.
If I play with him, he will not bore me.
If I do business with him, he will not fo.ol me.
My brain will take on new energy in keeping pace with his; the stimulus of his actions will rouse the sluggard blood in m;r veins.
I can depend on him for he knows not the meaning of procrastination and scorns shirking.
He may make mistakes-bless him, who doesn't ?-but he 's got the vim and the punch and the stuff that life is made of, and his mistakes are. rhistakes of aggression, not of hesitation.
Ke'ep your brilliant qen, your learned men,'your wise men-give me the enthusiastic man now and forever.