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Among the Dealers
Rapid progress is being m,ade on the new office and serviee
The Snead-Rose Lumber Company is a new San trlrancisco room of the Barr I.rumber company at Santa Ana. The imwholesale concern with old hands ind olcl heads in charse. provements wiII be completed about the first of September. The principals are J. C. Snead, who has been sales agent i-or The new building adjoins the present of ce of the compan-y, the San Vincente I.,umber Company for the past 1i years, is convenient to the business section of the city and easily and C. M. Rose, for the last 10 years with the Hart-'Wood accessible from the yard, and. will enable the company- to give the people of Santa Ana just about everything possible
I"rumber Company in the San Francisco territory.
'offices have been established at 827 Sheldon builcling. in modern merchandising service' Thev will handle a complete line of both redwoo{ T4.Po"g- MoNTcoMERy r,uMgER, co. opENs AT cuLvER crry Ias fir lumber, redwood and cedar shingles and.California J
Sugar ancl White Pine box shooks.
ORANGE COUNTY CLUB EAS BIC MEETING i The Montgomery Irumber Company has opened a new yard. 1in Culver City. It is located on Washington boulevard, op. / posite the HaI Roach studio. A new and modern office has V beeo erected. and. a complete stock will be handled. Head-
The orange county Lumbermen,s club, the orclest organi- :Tf:"S.:j-:h"t,:"*-^f:tt 1fj: Y'1"-:^,-*P;^ *9""-o:l*j: zation of its kind in southern calitornia. i-et i il:'#;i;; a line of vards in south Dakota and propose to open at other monthly dinner in the Elks' club ut a"riluii,*wua;;il;;, points in california'
July 19. Despite the vacation season the attendance was of Anaheim, president of the club, had charge of the meeting.
ESCONDIDO rIRM SPREADING OUT good, a total of 41 members registering present. C. F. Grim of meeting. ,/A SrouP of new buildings are being erected by the A' rr' A' y'umber Company of Escondido. The main building will be Y125x4O f,ppf qnd will nrnwirlp qnnnmmndqfinns fnr o frrll lino
John Bellheimer of the San Dimas Lumber Company, San Dimas, took a few days' vacation about the micldle of July and visited his many lumber friends in Los Aageles. Busi- :
725x40 feet and will provide accommodations for a full line of building material. A modern planing mill also will be installed. A new office will round out the program.
VARNEY BR,OS, YARD AT IIEBER, SOLD ness has blen so rushing with Mr. Bellheimer all spring and 1 'l'ne varney srotners yard at fieDer' Imperral county' I summer that he is not a"ble to get u*"y u* oit* "Jnriit.*./been sold to M. H' Cavin. The new owner took possessi able get away as often as he likes, v Deen sor so it sets to be a lono time be],*.etr ']ioito
The Varney Brothers yard Heber, Imperial county, has ron it getr a long time between visits.
July 15'
Homer T. Ilayward of the flomer T. Hayward Lumber Company, headed a delegation of Rotarians to San Franqiiseo recently to ask support of the San Francisco Rotary Club for the Rodeo that soon is to be held in Salinas. Th; appeal was sufficiently convincing that the San tr'rancisco club gave their enthusiastic endorsement.
SANTA SENSANEETS MUCII LIIMBEN, Cargo receipts of lum,ber at Santa Barbara are growing in volume and now run nearly as high as 5,000,000 feet a month. Many of the large vessels running between the Columbia river and San Pedro or Grays Ilarbor and San Pedro stop at Santa Barbara and unload small lots. {onsiderable lumber also comes into Santa Barbara by smaller vessels, being reshipped at San Francisco.
We specialize in ShingleE both green and dry, in all Srades. Watch our weekly quotation !hec! for prices. Your order will receivl the consideration of our entire orgaxrizartion.
Northern C,alifornia orders should go to Seattle. Southern California and Arizona orders are handled through the Los Angeles office.