1 minute read
Alpenters comupnd. eril. Califitniq lllhite Pine
Gttsy o fit qnd to hEqg // qFd to mortlse for loclF {rrd lriqges s, sifves 23 b sof p€D dooi of .QtlGrrneD's tlure
A Carpentel 3ai{-
"I can hang more California White Pine doors in a day than any other door and at the rame time be rure of a good-looking job. It'r becaure they are all California White Pine-a roft' yqt durable wood that'r easy to work. When I hang a Long-Bell door I know it's there to stay ar long ar the houre lasts."
Here are eight other outrtanding pointr of merit for Long-Bell all California Whitc Pinc Doorr: l. All California White Pine.
2. Not a combination of woodr.
3. Made of selected materialr by rLilled men.
4. Put together with rtraight-grained oak doweL and water-proof glue.
5. Will not check or rplit. Lelr liable to warp than doon of othcr woodr.
Long Pine
CALIFORNIA Bell all California White Doors are attractivo to users as an economical buy. It takes far lees labor to hang them becauge of the easily worlcable wood and furthermore, beautiful gmooth 6nigh efrects can bc obtained with fewer coate.
6. Fewer coatr of paint or enamel necel. .ary; take paittr and enamolr with ruperior rerults.
7. Panelr, all California White Pinc, f$-inch, 3-ply laminated rotary cut YGtcGr.
8. Sanded and ready for 6nirher.
Los Angeles
Long-Bell all California Vhite Pine Door,s are made of selectcd wood by okilled door makere in the Long-Bell plant at Weed, California, and subjected to rigid inspcction during every Btep in thc.manufacturing proceas.